I, am Kyuss. I was given this name because it is written in my lineage that I am kin to a demi-god of the same name. I am at the age of 2.7 or 16 according to the years of man. I am known as the Rogue because I tend to take my own path to achieve my goals, as long as the end result is achieved the means of which I reach my destination matters not. Although I always try my best not to step on anyone's toes or take short-cuts to be where I need to be.
As a dwarf I'm no stranger to hard work and I stay fit by doing what needs to be done in order to make ends meet. I have a brown mane and beard that rests in a braided knot on my chest. My skin is tanned by the sun and flames from hard days of working fields and feeding flames at the smithy. All together with my pale green eyes this makes me a rather charismatic fellow.
I'm skilled with a bow and one-handed melee weapons, and believe that if you treat natures creatures well they will do so in kind.
I tend to observe others to know their intentions before I make any moves, but I will not hesitate to address any threat or obstacle in my path.
As from now, forward I walk my path to self fulfillment wherever that may lead.