Why Personal Blogs Suck

Why Personal Blogs Suck - Public Member Blogs - Posted: 4th Apr, 2011 - 1:47am

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Post Date: 6th Sep, 2008 - 2:29am / Post ID: #

Why Personal Blogs Suck

Why Personal Blogs Suck

Tell us in your opinion why do personal Blogs suck?

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3rd Dec, 2009 - 12:19pm / Post ID: #

Suck Blogs Personal Why

This relates to just any personal blog, in general: to be completely frank, essentially, because nobody cares about you, what you're doing or what you're thinking. Or perhaps not "nobody", but "not the right somebodies".

This has exceptions of course, depending on a number of factors.

When I see the words "suck" and "blog" together, I nod knowingly, as an image coalesces in my mind - that of "emos" and other (truthfully) whiny, poor-me-babies, but also of your average adult, be they a recluse, a businessman or a housewife. The things they all have in common is what bafflingly keeps some blog community sites active: melodrama and minutia of the masses. Twitter makes this all the worse, allowing even more people to post the mundane and inane doldrums of their life, and easier than ever for an even wider range of people to read it/follow you.

"Mon, Sep 4: I just ate some toast. Going to put on my socks. I sure hope it doesn't rain too bad today, one of my shoes has a hole in the corner of the toe. I think I'll go see the Golden Girls movie tonight."

Who are you? Why do I care? What makes you think anyone does? I'm not really concerned with what you shove in your pie-hole, your footwear-related issues or poor taste in cinema.

To some, it becomes almost a resentment, like, "You know what, pal? I just worked 14 hours in a row and get to do it again in five more, my kid has pneumonia, my wife left me, I need glasses, my mortage is killing me, the car got repossessed and I got picked for jury duty. I'm sorry to hear you broke up with your girlfriend because she didn't believe in your psychic powers or the dog ate one of your Lord of the Rings DVDs, but I also am not going to applaud your trip to Hawaii or getting picked as lead consultant on the Johnson account - that doesn't help me in the least, nor does it entertain me."

From my perspective, *I* don't want to know all the stuff I do everyday, so I don't feel it is unreasonable to guess strangers won't be particularly enraptured in my prose, either.

People who wax philosophic or thoughtfully discuss topics, current events, etc. Are different, as long as they're not just flatly stating their absolute opinion with no real reasoning. Reading other people's mental processes and conclusions on relevant topics can be quite interesting and offer new approaches to things, perhaps not too dissimilar from things in our own life, which can in turn, help us broaden our understanding of other people, events, life, and ourselves, and how to deal with same. These types of blogs are a vastly superior species and actually get subscribers and affiliate partner/sister blogs of similar style.

Then there are the other approaches, such as instructional or do-it-yourself/handy tips, games and entertainment and just about anything else, all of which trump personal blogs. The only way I can see personal blogs gaining any sort of real significant following is to make sure to provide a bit of all these things if possible - make sure you have a semi-regular schedule where you talk about games or how to fix your car or movie reviews or compare Buddhism to Islam, something to provide some personal but yet objective and more broadly consumable content.

Forums tend to allow us to do "impromptu blogs", where we speak our minds on a subject or two, very specifically, giving our viewpoints, experiences, beliefs and sources which we recommend and use, hitting all the high points of the immediate topic at hand, rather than rambling blindly, not knowing what to write about, or what others will find interesting.

In this way, I think a lot of people get their "blogging fix", and don't have the driving pressure to blog that they might otherwise have, as they are posting their thoughts in a public and potentially more trafficked form, and get direct replies from a variety of people of different mindsets. Compared to this, blogs seem confining and peripheral, especially ones that are site-based on niche sites, that don't see a constant flood of visitors to begin with.

14th May, 2010 - 3:55am / Post ID: #

Why Personal Blogs Suck Blogs Member Public

Reading a teeny bopper's Blog would suck, however reading a Blog by a parent who has special needs children like me would be very enlightening because it relates to me I will be interested.

Blogs suck if they are not the ones you are interested in, but that can just about stand for anything. You will find it boring to read a book that didn't interest you right? What about a boring TV program or conversation with a person not of your intellect. Well just as you will pick want to choose the right book / TV program / friend to associate with you will also want to pick the right Blog to read.

4th Apr, 2011 - 1:47am / Post ID: #

Suck Blogs Personal Why

I'm sometimes shocked at the things people are willing to put on blogs. I wouldn't share that kind of information with my mother but they're doing it with strangers. Even when they try to delete it later its too late because its already circulated and copied all over the net so that makes having a blog suck big time.

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