My name is Krull. I am known as the Barbarian by many. At the age of sixteen, according to the years of man, I can be described as strangely inadequate and yet full of surprises which in some ways gives me a good initiative against others..
I intend to be wise in my choices and frugal in my spending so that everything has a purpose in order to become the next Ruler of Kings.
A Sentimental Value
There was a bottle on the ground and I remember it being that clear slow poison that mother liked to keep around for visitors that thought they could have their way when in fact they died the moment they ate her bread.
Advisor Description
"Sneak", this was the name he gave when he introduced himself to me. He did it while holding a personal possession of mine in his hand. He wanted to show me just how nimble he was and I have to admit I was impressed. He promised to show me how and where to learn and I was more than ready to accept. I feel a close connection to Sneak… as a student to a teacher.
Gordan Kingdom of Krull
I was awoken while still asleep. I know that seems impossible but I saw my body laying on the bed and yet I was able to move around in a spirit state. I saw my mother, she came to me and told me that I needed to prove my abilities to be a ruler in this spirit world. All of this is quite unexpected but I accepted.
It was confirmed upon meh, Krull the Barbarian, that I am now an expert in Run.
Reflections on your father
My father was an unknown in my life. What I know about him is mostly from the stories of others about him. It is not likely that people will tell you bad things about your own father so I do not know if he was a good or bad person. It does not matter, I live my own life now.
I wonder, should I call myself Krull the Reflexes expert.
A Trickster died due to my unique combat skills.