Bishop Centenary College
What are your reviews for the school known as Bishop Centenary College?
If you have attended Bishop Centenary College then please tell us what you consider to be the pros and cons of attending this school as well as their current facilities.
Anything else you feel a prospective student / parent thinking about being part of this school might like to know about Bishop Centenary College?
Name: Lucky
NOTE: These comments have not been verified. The claims are alleged and opinion until proven.
Comments: When I attended Bishop's Centenary College every single day was depressing. I was getting bullied in school and rather than teachers take action they basically encourage it. They don't understand the trauma and PTSD I've gotten from going to this school. I've been trying to heal and move on but it's very difficult to do. For my girls who understand what I'm talking about I'm very sorry we had to go through this and I'm sending so much love to others.