That is all interesting miss. But if you take into what the newspaper says as the gospel truth then your missing a lot about what is truly happening over there. Talking to some of the veterans in my bar I have learned that there is a lot going on over there that we never hear about because it will not sell a paper. These rags of trash called the paper are very good at telling us this person or that person died but leaves out all the good that is going on.
I think the only thing this trash gets right is the scores on the sports games. Which I may add is of very importance as I like to follow who is doing well in the world of sports.
Stifles a chuckle, while continuing to reeds the scores. He can not refuse how ever waiting for Mariah's reaction from the corner of his eye.
Good? Like the kids dying or the torture chambers? says Mariah.
It seems you have been fed by all the propaganda Bush tries to sell. How naive.
*Folds his paper happy as Germany is doing well.*
Yes many are killed in war that are not soldiers, but that has nothing to do with the point of the fight being good or bad. There is no wrong sides in a fight like this it is more about two parties trying to achieve opposing ends.
You are delusional if you think any battle can be fought with no civilian casualties and taking prisoners is for the weak and weak minded. Prisoners are for one thing information and once done dispensable. The Templar knights even recognized that. It is even what made then so successful on the battle field.
Sounds to me that your tied to the newspapers vague truths. What about the power grid that was rebuilt to give all access to electricity, or the water lines that were done by US troops to give all access to clean running water? Did you read about that in the papers?
You talk of kids being killed because the papers seem to print them right on the front page in bold letters. But did you newspaper or news tell about all the new schools that were built to give these same kids a chance at an education?
I know there are a lot of wrongs done in a war environment but it is more wrong for a news agency to report only negative things. This does nothing but cause the moral of those who hear and read this stuff to fall. Once the majority has their moral taken from them the news turned the support for the troops off. Now we have many troops over there doing what is right and good in their hearts while people over hear only hear of the few that are doing it the wrong way.
Ever notice also Donald they never mention that the scoundrels hide behind the children and woman rather then fighting like a real army should be allowed.
You are very correct the troops do much to help the victims of the war including the escort of supplies that the bandits try so hard to steal for their own men.
Edited: krakyn on 24th Oct, 2008 - 6:25pm
Yes it is truly amazing that these people shoot at us from protected buildings like a mosque or a school and as soon as we attack them back we are in the wrong for attacking a religious site or a school house where children may have gotten injured.
Edited: KNtoran on 24th Oct, 2008 - 6:30pm
Thomas? He looks even more confused then Donald, then shrugs and looks to Mariah.