I, am Glarith. I was given this name by birth. I am at the age of 16 according to the years of man. I am known as the Scholar because of how I am good at learning.
I was born a Half-elf because my parents decided to marry when they fell in love.
I stand 6ft tall with a skinny body. I have black hair with big brown eyes. My brown skin and a comely appearance in general makes me unique.
I see myself as one who follows fighters & magic-users.
I intend to do live my own life in order to become the next Ruler of Kings. Thus, I now start this path towards life.
A Sentimental Value: Lucky Rabbit Foot
Not wanting to leave my home without a memory I took a rabbits foot to bring me some good luck. My mom gave it to me as a gift because I was having a bad day. Ever sense then I kept it cause I need the afternoon.
Advisor Description
Kory is Glarith's best friend and advice giver. The two met in there home country when Glariths parents decided to move there. It was a nice place to live cause it was kind to half elf unlike the rest of the world.
Galidam Kingdom of Glarith
I fell in a deep sleep after training and had the wildest dream. I was told by my mom I would rule a kingdom and that the kingdom I ruled was wonderful. It was in the forest and seemed as if it was a beautif village. It was completly equal with no racism too.
Relation Description
Petra is a beautiful woman with dark purple hair and nice tan-ish skin. She wears fur clothing made from home and is never seen without her dagger on her hips. She has a native marking under her eye in the form of a small dark purple triangle. She wears braclets in with beads on them that have been changed to seem alluring.
Deity of Glarith
Dehya is the goddess of freewill and life. Dehya has long brown hair going past her shoulder with yellow tips near the end. She has a pair of angel wings on her back with flames near the end of it, but also has a demon tail and horns making many confused on whether she is good or bad.