I am seventeen elf years equivalent to teenage years in the human years. I go by Pathfinder because of my keen sense of search and knowledge of my surroundings in nature. The suns has turned my brown skin a color of bronze, my hair braided into locs down my back. I see myself as a follower of the magic users.
A Sentimental Value: Poison, Clear Fast
I think I may find use with the items I retrieved from my childhood home. I will never forget face of thy mother, nor thy father. A portrait wouldn't do them the proper justice when I hold them in my heart daily. Taking the poison immediately can have something of use.
Advisor Description
Justin met me many suns ago when I first entered town. It was a cordial meeting, he saw me collecting the correct herbs for remedy I was making and asked for my knowledge and advice in exchange for a few useful skills and to be taught. I believe Justin has the best intentions while watching out for me but I may never know.
Reflections On Your Mother
Reflections On Your Mother -
I dream of a woman visiting me giving me the advice that my deity is behind me. That everything shall be in my favor if I continue on the path I am upon. Nonetheless she said I just stop resting and follow my ambitions.
Piru took thy on life in a sacrifice for his deity knowing he'll be reborn in another life. The pathfinders life was short when he heard the voice call to him telling him of the greatest sacrifice to be made in the name of returning stronger in thy next lifetime . Piru did leave a note for whomever may find his treasure to use half for charity.