I, Esu. Am from a noble house whom specializes in public affairs, kingdom's economy, and major influence of the peace treaty that happened 139 years ago. As a child of nobility, I was raised with grace and beliefs. My appearance are of 5'5, light skinned, with a rather feminine built of slender body, soft facial features, and rather medium straight long hair for lad reaching over my shoulders.
I have the intent to be the next Ruler of Kings through my honesty and determination of personal matters that I have been long burying deep inside my mind. For I am ready to sacrifice the minority for the sake of the majority.
A Sentimental Value: Ring, Plain
Nothing much of value of this plain ring, I may be a noble but I'm not fond of jewelry. Thou this ring holds great sentimental value for my family. As it was a ring forged by my father that he used to court my mother who also wasn't fond of expensive jewelry, rather she enjoys the little things in life and effort put into such gifts.
Advisor Description
Elaine, was one of the few nobles my family has ties with. We were the same age but I sometimes wonder, why would she be my advisor despite her being in a higher social class then me. I thought and came up with many answers but they're all too vague… We met at the dead of night at the tavern when she confronted me about her intentions of guiding me. It was rather an ominous feeling when I feel like someone was watching me. But now I felt a heavy pressure being lift up my chest as I sense no ill intentions behind her actions.