Niko the Dragon

Niko Dragon - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 17th Sep, 2023 - 4:36am

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Posts: 99 - Views: 2431
ROK II RPG Character 1545 Medieval Text Adventure
15th Sep, 2023 - 2:27am / Post ID: #

Niko the Dragon

My name is Niko. I called myself as Dragon due to my ancestry as Draconian and hope someday can be a True Dragon not just in name.

My body are skinny with 168cm height with straight Long black hair and Black eyes compare to Human standard, as a draconian my face resemble reptile feature more than common human face with an elongate mouth accompanied with sharp teeth like a dragon mouth in general with a pair of protruding horn a kin to a goat horn on the back of my head, with yellow green skin covered by black scale at the outer layers and a smooth reptilian tail in the rear.

I was very bad at counting and math in general so I know being a trader are out of my capabilities,

But I do have some knowledge about other subject from learning strategy from master Tzu book to the general history of several kingdom and culture from my guru, also some general knowledge of blade and armor learn from asking my local blacksmith, guards, and traveling swordsman or duelist.

I also was inspired by a knight in his shiny armor from the book I read and hopping to become one, even though due to my circumstance and my mother choice of education prevent me from becoming a squire to some knight, I still have a hope I will be granted knighthood someday due to my achievement and maybe even beyond with current chaos and warfare surrounding this land bringing ample of such opportunity, so now I try to hone my swordsmanship or learn the basic of military and tactic if possible, though I prefer to be a loner I have no qualm to socialize either. So that is why I try to join the military instead of common trade.

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15th Sep, 2023 - 3:34am / Post ID: #

Dragon Niko

A Sentimental Value: Portrait of Mother

As the only Parent I known around since I was born, I took my Mother Portrait as a memento to keep remembering her face and gentle and kindness to others as my role model to my upbringing and my powerlessness to keep maintaining the home I and my mother live together for so long.

mother forgive me.... .please watch over me and I hope Mom and Dad can unite again over there.... .

15th Sep, 2023 - 4:49am / Post ID: #

Niko the Dragon Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Advisor Description

I met her Right after embarking from my home, she have a long black hair with a clean white dress that imply she is from a well off family, she just suddenly approach me one day and ask about my Parent name and my surname in a serious tone with a strict regal like composure, I told her as best as I can but albeit after I told her that both my Parent already gone from this world she feel dejected and said that she want to make sure that we really are related and my mother portrait doesn't help for her as she was sired by my dad side during his campaign, I decide to keep quite about my father love affair with her mother as I myself has no deep link or knowledge to my dad and I don't want to make her angry for exposing such a sensitive subject, and due to such a close distance I can see that she have some similar facial resemblance to my deceased mother albeit look more stern accompanied with a frown, but nonetheless seeing you being alone for a while and being older than you she feel responsible to take care of you or at least advice you as she don't want to make you too dependant on her, which I take gladly as you are very bad at accounting and math in general which from a glance of her dress and attire show she is more capable for that, and despite the vague circumstance to my family bloodlines I feel happy that I am not the only family member left I quickly accept to acknowledge her as my big sister and try to get along with her.

16th Sep, 2023 - 1:32am / Post ID: #

Dragon Niko

I, Niko, have gained enough experience that I am considered to be Level 1 among my fellow men.

16th Sep, 2023 - 3:05am / Post ID: #

Dragon Niko

Lizarus Kingdom of Niko

While asleep I had an encounter with my deceased Mother and she told me to lead some nomad people to build a kingdom, at first I reject it but now I think I need to take this responsibility in order to escape from my common mundane chore in real life even if it just a dream, after my mother explanation in this dream world, I try to envision a safe haven for Draconian with a lush jungle surrounding it to protect and distance my kin from the harassment and discrimination subjected to my kin.

16th Sep, 2023 - 3:05am / Post ID: #

Niko the Dragon

Most beautiful lady of Niko

Such Pretty and cheerful Girl with clear Draconian and elongated mouth like common dragon facial feature along with her long straight black hair styled in a pony tail, with 145cm height petite feature make you think she may have Hobbit blood in her… that mesmerizing glean of her green and emerald like scale smooth and slender tail and especially the smile.... .. That Smile captivate you the most.

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16th Sep, 2023 - 12:09pm / Post ID: #

Niko Dragon

Message to Advisor

Dear Sister, I manage to gain income here in the local library as an artist, get to know the local, and gain experience here in this town, that now I can afford to buy equipment and even learn swordsmanship from the local training ground, wish me luck and thank you for watching me and help me!

from: Niko your little brother.

17th Sep, 2023 - 4:36am / Post ID: #

Niko Dragon Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

Now that I have attained Level 2 among my people, ye shall see a more powerful Niko than otherwise might have been known.

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