Check this funny image out. I mean its so funny but so true. Once a game is out its like there is no care for what age rating it has.
Does Gaming Age Matter? (Hover)
There have been studies that disprove the false claim of a connection between violence in the real world and video games. Your child is more likely to be violent if you behave violently around them - verbal abuse, physical abuse, and even spanking all lead to more violent children. My wife and I play games and watch shows prior to approving them for our four daughters. Ratings are nice, but just because someone says it's appropriate for my children doesn't mean I will agree.
I think a gamer's maturity matters far more than their age. Edited: Diarmadhim on 8th Oct, 2015 - 6:21am
I work in retail for a living, and I used to work int he electronics department. My store had one of the strictest child-denial policies in place. If your party contained a minor and you were not their parent or guardian, no mature-rated games for you, because of the possibility of a second-hand purchase for the minor. The whole thing gets undone, however when parents stop caring what their kids play. I can't tell you the number of times my gentle prodding of, "This game is rated M for Mature. Are you all right with your child buying this?" Got responded to with, "Eh. He plays these games over at his friend's house," Or "He sees worse than this on TV anyhow, so I don't see the harm." I'm not judging (All right, maybe just a little) but the system in place does its job. It's the parents and families where it all goes awry. The system doesn't let the point of sale make a judgement call about the maturity of the buyer; it's arbitrary for a reason. As a parent, I'm glad it's in place, though. I like to know what my son has access to.
Basically no, gaming age doesn't even matter anymore in this generation where nobody really cares. No wonder there are so many juvenile delinquents engaging in crimes, children are engaged in mature rated games which involves high amounts of violence which influences them to become a criminal.
*laugh* I swear this is true. Everytime I play call of duty all it is, are little kids with their squeaky voices trying to cuss me out and what not.