At first glance you must be thinking... "Does any religion teach violence?" But this not the intent of my question. In each religion there has been some point at which its membership had to take up arms to either defend itself or stand for what they believe in. Christian, Jews, Muslims, etc. Its has been an age old thing.... BUT which one seems to have been the MOST violent in its actions? Do not rationalize events of today verses many centuries of yesater year....
FOR EXAMPLE: you may immediately think that muslims are violent, BUT what about the years of murders that the Crusaders committed in the name of Christ? Surely if they were on our time they would be called terrorists. At the same time some muslims do seem to react violently at first rather than talk... Hindus could be considered the same or even Nazis which some see Hitler as a God even today.
Well this is a very interesting topic. I don't believe that there is such a thing as 'violent' religions. Only some crazy people who think they're doing what God asked them to do go and kill people just like that....they're insane, I think that religion has nothing to do with this but these people need psychological help.
I think you should include pagan in your questionaire I believe your mistaken to believe that a western culture is automatically Christian. only 1 in 1000 actually attend church on a sunday in the UK. Therefore there are 999 pagans to every Christian and Christmas is a pagan activity.
Therefore there are 999 pagans to every Christian and Christmas is a pagan activity. |
Idols are forbidden, a tree is a pagan idol, a cross is a pagan idol. God does not want worship through paganism he wants atonement through the spiritual awaking of the Christ within you so that you see God and walk in his kingdom. This is how God wants you to pray for his name to come inside you so that you become one in the father. Hear O Israel the Lord thy God is one. Idols are forbiddon under the laws of Moses.
andrewfrew, stop using all our threads to speak 'your doctrine'. Each thread has a particular topic and you do your best to turn it away from the subject on to your own matters. I appreciate you want to express your thoughts, BUT this can be done through a few threads that you started already, it is not necessary to rant on other threads as well.
Please stay within your limits - thanks.