Study: Spacing Babies Close Raises Autism Risk

- Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 2nd Feb, 2017 - 9:30am

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11th Jan, 2011 - 12:22am / Post ID: #

Study: Spacing Babies Close Raises Autism Risk

What do you think about this study? Personally, it doesn't seem to apply to my family since my first two kids are spaced to almost 6 years and the middle one seems to also be in the spectrum.

international QUOTE
CHICAGO -- Close birth spacing may put a second-born child at higher risk for autism, suggests a preliminary study based on more than a half-million California children.

Children born less than two years after their siblings were considerably more likely to have an autism diagnosis compared to those born after at least three years.

The sooner the second child was conceived the greater the likelihood of that child later being diagnosed with autism. The effect was found for parents of all ages, decreasing the chance that it was older parents and not the birth spacing behind the higher risk.

"That was pretty shocking to us, to be honest," said senior author Peter Bearman of Columbia University in New York. The researchers took into account other risk factors for autism and still saw the effect of birth spacing.

"No matter what we did, whether we were looking at autism severity, looking at age, or looking at all the various dimensions we could think of, we couldn't get rid of this finding," Bearman said. Still, he said more studies are needed to confirm the birth spacing link....

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Post Date: 2nd Mar, 2011 - 11:42pm / Post ID: #

Risk Autism Raises Close Babies Spacing Study

Name: Fanny

Comments: This study isn't much to me. My children weren't born close together and two of the four are autistic. I know another mother who had her children pretty close together and they all came out fine.

Post Date: 11th Apr, 2011 - 8:25pm / Post ID: #

Study: Spacing Babies Close Raises Autism Risk Health & Special Psychology

Name: Paulina

Comments: Clearly, further research needs to be can't have an opinion and state it without sound evidence! Some people might believe it. There is NO proof to this. On what authority does he speak?I'm tempted to say he doesn't know what he's talking about, but I won't.. So instead I ask you, the reader:

HOW MANY PEOPLE or subjects were STUDIED? WHAT was their Health Condition, Medical & Genitic History as it relates to Autism? Were there other scholarly articles, professors, psychologist to confirm the claim? Over what period of time was this study done?..and WHO carried it out? Somebody qualified in the field of Research?
I see NO credibility in this. [..]

11th Apr, 2011 - 11:37pm / Post ID: #

Risk Autism Raises Close Babies Spacing Study

Paulina I think this is one of those stories created for the purpose of making us believe they are coming with some sort of answer as to what causes autism...the truth is that they don't have a clue and they make these ridiculous claims.

Post Date: 2nd Feb, 2017 - 9:30am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Risk Autism Raises Close Babies Spacing Study

Children exposed to complications at birth at risk of autism, study finds

Children who were exposed to complications shortly before or during birth, including birth asphyxia and preeclampsia, were more likely to develop autism spectrum disorder, according to a study. Ref. Source 1n.

> TOPIC: Study: Spacing Babies Close Raises Autism Risk


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