From One Addiction To The Next
Is it common from Addicts to go From One Addiction to another new Addiction?
I think that substance abusers have a natural need that isn't being fulfilled, and whilst they may get weaned off one thing, it then leaves a vacant gap for some other substance abuse to be filled.
It probably happens subconsciously, but makes it harder to be dealt with (in my humble opinion)
I agree with you. That is all of it in a nutshell. People usually get involved with this sort of thing because they have something missing. I think there is a reason why people do the things they do and unfortunately the only real solution is to face it head on. I think religious faith helps out a lot and a belief in a higher power. Not any religion in particular, but a good standard golden rules religion that seams to exist the core of most as far as I know.
I believe that it boils down to a lack of love that leaves that "gap" which is always in abundance here in this world.
I would concur with that Sober as I beat my addictions I did not seek replacements. Just was enjoying life more.
I propose those that jump addiction have never actually full put their intention on sobriety so much as say not drinking beer any more.
I have found that quitting an addiction is not a easy task. I have used a lot of my will power to slowly cut down on this or that so that I could more easily quit it. I think the main reason I was able to quit some addictions was by switching to something a little easier for me to handle. Like quitting drinking hard alcohol and drinking just beer. Was it easy? NO, it was not but I was able to do it and since then cut down on the amount I drink to practically none. I used this method on anything I find myself addicted to. I am leading a much better life now because of it.