Do we use our abilities automatically or do we have to say that we're using them? For instance do I have to tell you I want to sense danger or will you just automatically tell me when I sense danger?
For the sake of my sanity it will be nice if you can state that you are concentrating on a certain skill to be used. The possible skills are so varied in a Super Hero setting that it will definitely be hard to be automatic about everything you should know about a certain event because of a special power you may have.
It will really cool if we can have a detailed description of what each of our powers do because some of us aren't sure.
I have to get around to doing that. It will be based on FP in some cases, in other words you need FP to Upgrade abilities so you may want to start accumulating that. In other cases it will be based on in game money so you buy equipment that enhances your abilities. I also have to make a list of what each ability does - much to do here, but currently there needs to be a consistent GM in this section to make it worthwhile.