Amonhi Submission - Page 4 of 6

QUOTE Why would you put yourself through (wondering - Page 4 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 15th Oct, 2008 - 4:17am

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If you are interested in Amonhi philosophy then be sure to read this Thread in its entirety. Understanding the Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
14th Oct, 2008 - 11:52pm / Post ID: #

Amonhi Submission - Page 4

Final post....

I think at the comments about his "doctrine" ie his thoughts and postings, opinions, being "scripture mingled with philosophies of men." I am a collector of LDS books. I probably have over 500 on different subjects. I would say except for a very few they are ALL dealing with scripture mingled...
The Lord gave us the Spirit to discern truth FOR OURSELVES no matter what we are doing or where we are. By asking us to read the LDS scriptures and his opinions of them and then to pray about it--what is the difference? I say none. I say that whatever truths are within his words the spirit will verify and we have to have enough faith in the Lord instead of relying on the strength of ourselves.

I feel like a defense lawyer for someone and that brings a spirit of contention than I am NOT willing to entertain. It is my weakness that brings that spirit upon me now but I know by continuing to argue about this I will not change your minds and you will not change mine. And because of my weakness I will feel that I no longer have anything to offer here. I am sure this won't be taken the right way by someone and I apologize in advance for not being able to say things without emotion, I try to keep things in check.

JB wrote:

You sound convinced... just be careful dear, the road taken by a few subtle words can lead to a lifetime of hurt and do follow the fruits, by that you will know. If you do find the answer for yourself feel free to follow up with a reply here.

Thank you as I mentioned I do believe you are genuinely concerned. Please understand that I am careful--when things like this come up I pray harder than I ever pray because I know I need extra help.

I must decline though in the offer to follow up with a reply here because I would have to assume that I would be treated the same way for my opinion. One of the things I am still praying about is in fact whether something sacred such as C&E or other things can be shared. It is a foreign thing to me. Does that mean it cannot happen in some situations? The Lord will let me know. So even when I find the answer for myself I would not feel comfortable sharing it here. I do respect you and have come to be very thankful for your friendship, if that is hopefully not too strong a word, and would probably write you privately and discuss things. I do value your opinion and agree with most things you say, just not this one with the information I have.

As far as your comment LDS:
....then is your decision as well since you're an adult and well capable to take care of yourself. What we did was a warning.... now is up to you and everyone else to do as you wish with it. I don't have to proof anything, let the ones that have eyes to see.

You are right also. I am an adult and am well capable of taking care of myself and my family. That is the ONLY sphere or "jurisdiction" for lack of a better word that I can receive any revelation for. Do not think that it is a task I take for granted or lightly. I understand that what you did was a warning, I have given my thanks and evaluated it as such, and will continue not so much to do what I wish, but to do what the Spirit prompts me. It is interesting to me that you use the saying"Let the ones that have eyes to see..." Christ uses this in addition to the reference of Let those who have ears hear..." It was his way of being able to share doctrine with a group of people that might have different beliefs. He was, in my opinion, telling them that if they listened to the spirit, it would reveal the truth. I just find it interesting that we both have such different views and you are sure that you are right. It isn't even your opinion anymore. You are stating things as fact. I hope you will follow your own advice and realize that Satan will also whisper in our ears and give all the proof or lies that will help us depend on our own and not on the Lord. I am NOT saying that is what you are doing, I am only returning the advice you felt that I needed.

Reconcile Edited: AlaskanLDS on 14th Oct, 2008 - 11:59pm

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15th Oct, 2008 - 12:30am / Post ID: #

Submission Amonhi

AlaskanLDS, all I can say is "Wow", maybe someone will take the time to take you up on this in more detail, but I will not. I am surprised that you claim a defense of this person(s) but do not at all touch the points we have brought up in the least. That is why I said for you to do your own investigation. If you want to be a proper defensive lawyer then you must do a rebuttal, go over the points we made and show us how we are wrong. Anyhow I do not understand how:

1. You are giving this a second thought when you do not even know Amonhi, or maybe you know and are communicating with him offline.

2. You keep mentioning the Spirit and Revelation, it reminds me that the Lord also gave us minds and intellect. These things are given so we can know what to take to the Lord in prayer. For instance if Church starts at 9:00am, should we pray as to whether it is better for us to go at 9:45am when sacrament is finished? No, the answer is before us. We need not be commanded in all things. The prophets for centuries has told us do not masturbate, the Lord is not pleased with it. I do not need someone to come on here and tell me to do it and while I am at it play a hymn. I mean how sacrilegious can you get. Yet, I have not even seen you comment on that. I mean, just on that alone I would run like a banshee from Amonhi Doctrine.

Let me run through your questions:

QUOTE (AlaskanLDS)
There is nothing that I can see where it gives a link?

His article is in the LDS Downloads section 4 as is stated in this Thread. He posted some of it twice, once claiming he wrote it and the other as Elliason writing it. I believe LDS_forever listed the links.

...when Paul H. Dunn had to apologize because of fabrications to his stories?

Yes, the same action that led to him being Disfellowshipped from the Church, it is a serious thing to write stories, publish it under authority and guise.

My next question would be: DOES IT MATTER who wrote the article? Does it change the truth within it, whatever that may be?

That is something he likes to say. Are you really asking that? I can't believe you are asking that. Does it matter if Joseph Smith wrote the plates based on his own invention or if it was really an abridged record handed by the Angel Moroni?

...only telling you that it is insane to ask us to make a decision and then ask me WHAT decision it is that I am referring to?

Make a decision? Why do you keep saying we are telling you to do this? I have said be guarded, be weary, and look at all the facts.

But why then are they not treated like this?

The answer is simple. We are asking questions about a Topic and supplying our opinions. With Amonhi he is supplying something that is directly against the Church and telling us pray about it. I do not believe any Member here is supplying some 'new' Doctine and saying go pray about it and when you are done join the Church of the First Born. I mean to say... how in one breath can you claim actual interactions with the Lord, a calling and election sure, and in the same light talk about masturbation with sacred hymns.

OK wait a minute, wait a minute... I am going through answering questions here about someone I feel is in opposition to the Church and Doctrine to the point that I have 'cut it off' as far as I am concerned, or in other words I am laboring in something I should not...

I just realized something... you are doing it again just as Amonhi does, you are making this about me or whomever else is against Amonhi Doctrine. You are also doing it in multiple Posts as he does. Take a minute and pause and answer the points brought up by us here on actual comments and positions Amonhi brought up rather than our perspective of it. You are avoiding the actual issue. Maybe he is feeding you information, careful the subtle ways as he visits here but has no strength to reply.

Yes, I like AlaskanLDS, yes she is a 'fun' person in the Community, this is nothing about you personally, but I will not entertain this anymore or in other words I will not reply to 'Amonhi Submission' anymore (save he should return with more of his doctrine and seeks to invigorate my rage against it as I do not believe in entertaining such here). I believe that Amonhi, as I said before teaches things that are Satanic period.

Am I against the guy as a person - No, I am not. He sounds like the kind of guy that it may be very interesting to sit down, drink a sprite and have a Discussion, so do not misunderstand, I am only against what he is doing here - teaching things that seem to be spiritually light but have an underlying of darkness. The most effective way for the dark side to lead you astray is to present with you a truth you can agree on then another and another [insert lie] continue on with truth and truth, etc. We have a Thread about that in the public LDS Deep Doctrine board.

15th Oct, 2008 - 1:14am / Post ID: #

Amonhi Submission Studies Doctrine Mormon

AlaskanLDS, I don't know if I ever told you that I was a Journalist back home. For years I studied and researched (as part of my job) the many methods of brainwashing that religious sects use to attract people. I am fully aware of those methods. Well, after reading your last posts I wondered whether it was YOU writing or Amonhi. This is worrisome, truly concerning. Since going point by point won't really do much for you since I see Amonhi is having a good grasp on you please, take a deep breath and answer ONLY this question for me:

What do YOU think about Amonhi encouraging OTHERS to sin, masturbate while singing a hymn?

15th Oct, 2008 - 1:46am / Post ID: #

Page 4 Submission Amonhi

Can't say that you did...I am sorry I am causing you concern--please don't be. The one thing everyone is missing here is that I am not agreeing with Amonhi, I am not even saying you are wrong, what I am saying, is the Spirit will testify TRUTH in any source. But look, there I go asked me to ONLY answer the one question- so forgive me.

My answer or feelings have not changed one bit from when I replied in that thread:

We know Satan is the father of lies. His program works on half-truths, denial and uncertainty on our parts. EVEN if there was a situation were one was struggling with this issue--is it appropriate to experiment with a hymn? I am sure you didn't have any pornographic thoughts--you didn't have too. As long as Satan was able to lure them into his traps--especially if all the while they are singing hymns and thinking that there is nothing wrong--that just sends shivers down my spine and thoughts of Satan laughing.

I really don't mean that to be hurtful or judgmental. That is just what I thought when I read your comments-.I guess I can't understand why you or anyone would do that.

And because I don't want anyone thinking anyone has a "grasp" on me, I will happily share what I wrote to him as well sometime this week when I realized he was the same person:

I have to ask because I did not realize until a few minutes ago that you were the same poster who wrote about masturbating to a hymn--I was shocked by that when I read it and it seemed to go against anything sacred about hymns or worship or whatever. Can you explain it to me in terms like you have on these other posts so maybe I can tell where you were coming from? I have to admit I was shocked when I found out it was you as it seemed like 2 different people talking. I don't want you to think I was judging as I try not to.

Anyhow, hopefully this is not too much to read. I guess I am not one of little words, again I am sorry.

15th Oct, 2008 - 1:50am / Post ID: #

Submission Amonhi

AlaskanLDS, I saw that reply of yours in that thread but you are speaking ONLY about HIM masturbating while singing a hymn. I am after him ENCOURAGING others to do it and reporting it back (I posted his exact quote in this same thread). This is what I want YOU to address. Because one thing is to do the wrong thing for yourself but ENCOURAGING others to SIN, is purely satanic.

Update: I just realized the quote is in the Masturbation thread located here:

Source 3

15th Oct, 2008 - 2:49am / Post ID: #

Amonhi Submission

I went back and looked it up again and am going to post it here so others can read it:


I knew Amonhi would not reply directly to your statement. You seem surprised he would masturbate while singing a hymn, what about encouraging others to do it? (from this same thread)

I encourage any who wish to test this theory to try it and report back or you can just rely on the 4 witnesses in this thread.

Maybe we should pray about it and see if the Spirits testifies to us that encouraging others to sin is ok and "testing" masturbation while singing a hymn is entirely acceptable as long as I have "control". Since he teaches Truth, this should not be hard to prove, right? If encouraging others to sin is not satanic, I don't know what it is.

The part you highlighted I do not agree with--but he also says, OR YOU CAN just rely on the 4 witnesses.

I think part of the reason that I feel like you are attacking his character is because he did answer my question. You have said that statement regarding other things as well. I am not so sure I would come back and post when people are saying things like that either. I have found when I sincerely want to know something and ask, he is more than willing to answer me.

I don't have anything to hide but when things like, "Since he teaches Truth, this should not be hard to prove, right?" Where I am coming from is that comment speaks of his character in my opinion. It may not be, I am just saying how I read it. I for one, would not even entertain the thought but do not think I need to post that. *sorry, I had an A.D.D. moment* (I had to come fix it-finish the thought I was having.)

I meant to say that I don't have anything to hide but that doesn't necessarily mean I would come post anything I had an opinion on. I DO AGREE that this is something I was shocked at--is that what you want me to say? I told him that as well. Obviously, the Spirit did NOT bear witness to that---I didn't even have to ask! (As JB mentioned in his reply, we don't have to be commanded in all things--we have been given minds and intellect--but some are important enough to ask--this wasn't one of them.)

Does that mean that everything else he has given his opinion on is satanic as well? I guess that is where we disagree. I found truth in some of his posts--this and the one about his 7 yr old at a nude beach, not so much! I just do not think that he is incapable of putting something of worth on here.

Reconcile Edited: AlaskanLDS on 15th Oct, 2008 - 2:52am

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15th Oct, 2008 - 3:27am / Post ID: #

Amonhi Submission - Page 4


The part you highlighted I do not agree with--but he also says, OR YOU CAN just rely on the 4 witnesses.

What difference does it make? Or is it because he added that last part, the first part (about encouraging others to masturbate) becomes somewhat more acceptable? I cannot believe you're actually rationalizing this and even entertaining the thought on "praying" or "following the Spirit" the writings about a guy who directly is encouraging people to sin and who have stated that the Church teaches some doctrines that are NOT true! The SAME Church you and I belong!

Why do you think Anti-mormons are so good at what they do? Because some of the things they teach are true BUT they mix it with lies to CONFUSE whoever is reading it and that's the MAIN reason the Church asked us to abstain from it because is very easy to fall in this trap. Why would you put yourself through (wondering and praying what part is true and what part isn't) is beyond me. Is it so IMPORTANT for you?

Does Amonhi say SOME things that are true? Sure, but he mixes up with things that are NOT and hence all this confusion that he has created. Notice he has been silent as he usually does after someone challenges some of his inconsistencies and lies, he is passive-aggressive and why would he say anything anyways if he has someone doing the job for him? YOU!

I suppose I do not know you as much as I thought I did and that's ok. I guess this is one of those times where the kind of choices we have made in life (past and present) makes us realize where truly our foundation is: In the doctrines of men or in the doctrines of God.

15th Oct, 2008 - 4:17am / Post ID: #

Amonhi Submission Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 4

Why would you put yourself through (wondering and praying what part is true and what part isn't) is beyond me. Is it so IMPORTANT for you?

I suppose I do not know you as much as I thought I did and that's ok. 

I am thinking this should be in my rave thread, IMO, since it is questions regarding me but I will answer them here.

You mistake my response again. I DON'T pray to find out what isn't true. I pray that the Spirit will witness truth to me as I learn things--as I read things. It is not like I sit here in my spare time reading anti-mormon literature picking out the truths in it. All I ever said was that when reading some of his posts I felt the truth was being taught. THAT IS IT! At least as far as I can recall. That has been my stance from the very beginning of this thread or any like it, but I can't seem to communicate that with anybody.

You are right, you probably don't know me as we don't communicate much here individually but I think that JB does and I have not veered from the person I was when I joined or have been since. I find it hard to respond to your posts because even though it may not mean to be, a lot of times they seem to be harsh or sarcastic. I think in your job as a journalist you may be more familiar with types of writing that are blunt and to the point but because I perceive them differently I try not to comment. I do on the other hand care about your family and try to keep you in my thoughts and wish you the best.

I guess this is one of those times where the kind of choices we have made in life (past and present) makes us realize where truly our foundation is: In the doctrines of men or in the doctrines of God.

May I ask who you are referring to in this statement? You have no idea of choices I have made past and present and I hope you are not presuming to even think my foundation is not built upon the Lord and is rather on the doctrines of men, BUT I hardly think you are referring to yourself. Can you explain this a bit more?

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