Amonhi Submission - Page 2 of 6

QUOTE (JB @ 12-Oct 08, 10:28 PM)You - Page 2 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 13th Oct, 2008 - 8:17am

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If you are interested in Amonhi philosophy then be sure to read this Thread in its entirety. Understanding the Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Post Date: 12th Oct, 2008 - 8:59am / Post ID: #

Amonhi Submission
A Friend

Amonhi Submission - Page 2

Although I really do feel that this is silly and intrusive, and rude, and nosy"¦ (And"¦ Who do you think you are anyway"¦ Our Bishop?!?! Goodness!) We have decided to answer your questions"¦ And in doing so we have answered as one voice yet we have both written this response"¦ Patterned, of course, after the voice of the Lord to us"¦ aka, we both wrote this equally but just said "I" to represent Us. (Mrs. Amonhi)

In response to your questions, I will first point out that you are doing exactly as all others do and are focusing on the messenger and not the message (exactly as I said you would) and whether or not the spirit tells you if the teachings are true. (I am the first to admit that I teach the philosophies of men mingled with scripture and that not everything I say is true. But then, show me a man of whom you can say otherwise. Only God can claim such and his voice is the spirit which knows all things and cannot lie.)

People who focus on the messenger and not the message, killed Christ, killed Joseph Smith, and damned themselves in the process while making the truths taught distasteful. In the end there is only one way to shut the mouth of a Prophet. And when people have no power of persuasion and inspiration or revelation from God for themselves, to sustain their own position and beliefs, they inevitably feel compelled to defend God, their religion, and their personal position with the only other means available to them"¦ that is attacking the messenger and taking the focus off of the message"¦ Showing that the person is somehow "unworthy" of being truly taught of the Lord"¦ And that is to discredit the messenger until justified (in their minds) in killing, silencing, or otherwise stopping the spreading of the threatening truth (or thought form) that is being taught. (in silencing them, in any way possible, including death, if necessary). Truth can stand for itself, regardless of the flaws of the messenger. However, as there has never been a messenger that others could not find fault in, it becomes easy to discredit the message by focusing on the messenger and their personal flaws, or inconsistencies. Even Christ was found to be flawed by the people who wanted to find it. And though they call Joseph Smith a "Gold digger" or other things, it doesn't change the fact that his message was from God. But do they focus on the truth he taught or his various flaws and/or mistakes? This has happened over and over throughout history. If those hearing the Teachings of Joseph Smith had applied these same principals, of looking only to their "accepted authority" and scriptures, the Gospel could have never come forth in these later days. It was by looking to God and personal revelation that a 14 year old boy was able to begin the end of the apostasy.

Someone must look to God. It has to start someplace and the Church is built up and designed to teach people to do exactly this, to Look To God, and it is one of the only groups/organizations that I know of that even teaches this! That we, each and every one of us can talk to God, face to face as did Joseph"¦ That the "Heavens are still open""¦ To all of us! The only difference between what I say and what is traditionally accepted is that I say that the Heavens are open to ALL of us and not only to an elite handful of men "in charge". That the God can and does reveal truth, even scripture to the minds of each one of us, daily if we will listen"¦ What I say includes the council of "The brethren" AND The Word of God"¦ God wants and teaches that each one of us can be a God, that each one of us can be an independent, self sustaining, fully functioning GOD. It is impossible to Become a God living the laws of a Telestrial, or even Terrestrial world"¦ There must be laws governing the Celestial world. I am merely pointing out what a few of them are, and some basic principals of a Celestial world. I will answer your questions after I ask you these question"¦

What are the Laws of God, by which God governs all? And how can WE live them NOW in striving to live and be like God? To Be a God, should we not live the laws of a God?

Finally, and I think this is the most important question to ask yourself right now"¦ If you were alive during Christ's time, what would you do to ensure you accepted his message, while hearing the accusations of the leaders of the time against him, who successfully convinced the majority of the people at that time to demand his death? (What would have worked then will work today.)

Here are your questions and my answers:


There are some things that need to be clearly answered,

Why? I am not important. I have flaws and make mistakes, just like the rest of you. I am an easy target if you are focusing on the messenger. But that doesn't change the spirits witness when my or anyone else's message is true. If the spirit witnesses, then you know what I share is true. No questions. If it doesn't, then don't believe my messages. (You don't need to defame, shame, or seek my discredit defacement, and/or destruction on any level. Just don't believe me. Or even better, disprove me, teach me so I can see my errors and learn!) This is how I treat you and everyone else. I do not need to know anything about you to determine when you are speaking by the spirit or your own beliefs mingled with scripture. I am not claiming anything that is beyond anyone's reach. But, if you do not begin to rely on the spirit, then you will not gather the oil needed for your lamps, and no one can give you this oil, not even President Monson.

Why does this have any bearing on weather or not the doctrine of The Holy Ghost is true or false? How is teaching the Doctrine of the Holy Ghost, and others that I am learning from and especially when I am sourcing CANNON Law "Amonhi Doctrine"? I am teaching scriptures and the words of "The Prophets" exactly as they stated it"¦ If you have a problem with the doctrines, I suggest you take it up with them, (whoever I am quoting).
As per my interpretations"¦ Seek the Holy Ghost"¦ If I accidently, on purpose, or because I am misguided teach something incorrect"¦ The Holy Ghost won't witness of it. If I teach a truth, the Holy Ghost will likewise witness of that. This is not "Amonhi Spirit Doctrine" I could get the primary manual out and start quoting directly out of it"¦ This is Primary doctrine.

To be continued"¦.

Reconcile Edited: Amonhi on 12th Oct, 2008 - 9:15am

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Post Date: 12th Oct, 2008 - 9:18am / Post ID: #

Amonhi Submission
A Friend

Submission Amonhi

1. Are you a baptized Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?
Yes and B.I.C. (Born in the Covenant"¦ BOTH of us.) Married in the Temple even! Do you want more of our Religious resume? Would you also like a running list of all our callings and "good deeds"? (If we had some pretty "high up there" callings"¦ Would it make any difference? NO! It wouldn't! Nor would the spirit witness any differently! Only your judgment of the messenger would be more favorable"¦

2. Are you currently an active Member of the same Church (#1) and in full fellowship?
Yes, a full tithe payer and all.

3. Do you consider yourself as currently part of the Church (#1), and by 'part of', I mean that you are subject to the teaching and direction the Church gives.
Yes and No. Because this question is a trap which cannot be answered with a yes or no. You have created a situation in which you are asking if I agree with a teaching or doctrine without clarifying what that belief or doctrine is. The church has many teachings and doctrines that are adopted by the general membership which are not true. To say yes would be agreeing blindly to such teachings and doctrines when you have not clearly stated what you are referring to. If the doctrines of the church were clear and plain, then forums such as this would not exist or thrive. We have a situation here where someone is attempting to "cast the first stone". Remove first your beam, then seek to save me by teaching me, not by destroying my credibility through irrelevant accusations or just plain unnecessary meanness. If the truth that you speak rings true with me or other readers, that is all that needs to be done. No other defaming will be necessary"¦ If what I say looks stupid compared to your version of the truth, then that should suffice. If what I say feels more right to those reading/hearing it, then that should suffice. The same goes for everyone equally, be they the Prophet and President of the Church, or the bum down on the street corner. The Holy Ghost is obligated to testify of truth to those who are worthy"¦ If you have Faith in God, in this way, ye shall not fear!

Yes"¦ to the extent that that teaching and direction can be substantiated by a witnesses of the spirit to me directly. The leaders of this church have asked for nothing more, unless you believe that the church demands blind obedience and expects us to blaspheme the Holy Ghost by denying or rejecting its witness to instead follow fallible man.

No"¦ because I am subject to GOD first and foremost, directly to me (as is everyone really.) And in the event a man were to disagree with God, and council me to do likewise"¦ I will follow God! This insures that if some crazy guy becomes my bishop (as has happened a few times and to someone extremely close to me) and asks me or the entire ward to do something dangerous"¦ And even falsifies the letters from the First Presidency, I can know that the Lord will guide me to do the right thing! There have been times in our church history when whole stakes have been effected by some pretty weird stuff"¦ And the members who did not rely on the Lord fell far"¦ Yes, eventually things were quietly resolved by the upper authorities, but the long term damage to the individuals was done. Had they done as the Prophets and apostles council us to do, and Follow the Holy Ghost (just like they teach you to do in PRIMARY) they would have been spared. (I"ll supply more details and major examples if any one wants them, for now this is much longer than JB wanted it. So I"ll stop here.)

(And finally"¦ I will ask another question here"¦ To which ward do the three Nephites and John the Beloved report?)

3. What are your thoughts about the current leadership in the Church? Do you follow the teachings of the current Prophet or do you consider yourself outside his words / above his words?
I respect and honor them in their callings as they have a difficult mission to perform. I feel for them and have great love for them. I am most partial to Elder Bednar as he speaks my language. I do follow whatever council they give that the spirit confirms to me is true, from the Prophet, leaders, parents, or whomever gives me council"¦ even if it were you who gave it to me. The Witness of the Spirit is the same, whether from God's mouth or the mouth of his servants.

4. Do you share 'Amonhi Doctrine Related' info within Church or anyone within the Church?
I share TRUTH with all I speak to, even in my work relationships. I will not accept your term "Amonhi Doctrine" as it is a jab and a knifing term used to separate or divide"¦ But yes, I speak of all of these things, even in church when moved upon by the spirit to do so"¦ At times to the discomfort of others, but I try to speak the words of the Lord in a spirit of Love and gratitude.

5. What is your objective in promoting 'Amonhi Doctrine Related' Threads?
To Teach Truth, as far as I understand it in the hopes that others will be able to correct me if I am wrong or learn if I am right. To encourage others to seek the spirit to confirm what is taught by you or me what is truth or not. Also, to get feedback to improve my ideas, to see if I am in error (through the intelligent persuasion of others I may be taught something I have not considered, and if so I will be 'saved" by changing my opinions. As I believe even the Truth as I have received may be in error in that the spirit may have only confirmed parts, and by gaining more information the spirit will have the opportunity to increase my understanding of the truth God has for us.) Even if God were to stand and speak to me face to face, and teach me many things"¦ I would still have to rely on the Holy Ghost to understand those teachings. My understanding and application of those teachings would depend on my own light and ability to learn through the Spirit"¦ Clarification from God is not always given, ("He that is commanded in ALL things""¦ not good) as the Lord feels that we learn best and gain the most personal growth by figuring it out through natural processes"¦ God just points the way, it is up to us to walk it"¦ Even Christ lived this way, learning "line upon line".

So, in a nut shell"¦ Because I learn, and others learn by my contributions.

To be continued...

Post Date: 12th Oct, 2008 - 9:21am / Post ID: #

Amonhi Submission
A Friend

Amonhi Submission Studies Doctrine Mormon

6. Are you hoping to get Members to follow 'Amonhi Doctrine Related' info and ask you to help them make their Calling And Election Sure?
Believe my teachings only if you know it is true by the witness of God to you directly via the Holy Ghost. As for others asking me to "help them make their Calling and Election Sure", I can not do anything more than I have already done by sharing what has been shared. (Pointing out the doctrine from my understanding and how previous people have received it.) I am not hoping that any one will "ask me to help them" make their calling and election sure"¦ The things the Lord has taught us which we have shared, and our testimonies have been a catalyst in some instances of others receiving the second comforter, or receiving their C&E but no one has ever "asked us" to "help them" and the thought seems strange to me. If you want to make your calling and election sure, follow the guidance of the Holy Ghost. If few people today have received this gift, it is because they do not rely on the Holy Ghost to tell them all things what they should do. Only God can give such a gift by the witness of the spirit which cannot lie. The Holy Ghost will 'tell and show you all things what you should do", I won't and can't. The Holy Ghost is your guide, not me. Anyone who claims to be a guide above the witness of the Holy Ghost is a false teacher. Even Christ wouldn't make that claim.

I am hoping nothing more than to share ideas and inspiration, with those who will not judge me for sharing my personal experiences and testimony. My hopes are that they will be touched and have new ideas that they may not have had before"¦ I am here to share that regular people ARE receiving these things, that the Lord WANTS each of us to become independent spiritually"¦ As Bishop Miller (My wife and my first bishop when married) always said, "That the spirit may rain down on each member individually, rather than them relying on the trickle down from the leadership to them, let them receive the rain and nourishment directly from God!" Those words have stuck with me and I believed them"¦ Thus all the learning I have acquired since then.

I DO hope that everyone will make their calling election sure, have personal visits from The Savior and any other messenger the Lord sees fit to send! I believe I want what the Lord wants"¦ The experience of seeing the Savior can only improve a person's life"¦ Can show them a Love that they have never before known, and bring a light into their lives that will spread throughout the world and increase the knowledge of Christ and that Love. And prepare the world for the millennium in which Christ will appear to individuals and small groups first and then to the world.

7. Is your purpose to have Members look towards the Church of the First Born, according to your interpretation, and essentially "dismiss", "leave" or "graduate themselves" from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?

No, no, no! I am not trying to get anyone to "leave" "graduate from" or in any way do anything that the spirit has not taught or directed them to do! Nor do I want anyone to enter the Church of the Firstborn through my understanding of it"¦ They must gain their own knowledge of it, but sharing my experiences and ideas may open doors as have the teachings of others who have "been there" through the ages. I would not wish on any one the difficulty of being "different" as my wife and I are"¦ Sharing our testimonies has been difficult, and we have been persecuted as you are now trying to do and much worse at times. However, that being said, IF the spirit of the Lord does touch them, and they do enter the church of the firstborn (as presented to them by the LORD, and whatever aspect of it he shows them) then that is the Lords will, not mine. I have never told people to rely on, follow or trust me in spiritual things. In many posts even in this forum I had said that my teachings and thoughts are only the philosophies of men mingled with scripture and should not be trusted without the witness of the spirit which makes them scripture.

And, the only way a person will "graduate" from the church is if the Church kicks them out unjustly. (Or, maybe if someone feels so unwelcome by the members that they opt to leave a group of unloving un-Christlike people, wanting to not associate themselves with those who do not follow the CHRIST, and having met him know the difference"¦ We have seen a couple of these happen, and its sad.) If the church sustains the will of the Lord, as it theoretically should, there will be no problem with any one receiving these blessing nor from following what the spirit teaches them, so long as they are not interfering with the agency of others (hurting anyone or their property).
Oh, I guess there is one other method of "graduation""¦ That I know of"¦ Eventually, the Church will become unnecessary as the order of the CK is that of Family structures with a "Oneness" unit at the head (Mother and Father) just as our God is. Is that idea contrary to the church? I guess in a way it is, because it insinuates that the church will either dissolve or restructure"¦ But the church is SO needed and necessary in the Telestial world. As members become members of the Church of the Firstborn, they realize that their first duty is to God"¦ If you are talking to Christ and taking direction from Him personally, doesn't it make sense to follow the highest authority you know? (I have never experienced the spirit NOT testifying of His words.) If What Christ or the Holy Ghost tells you to do (both members of the Godhead) should you not follow their council over that of a parent, bishop, or anyone else telling you what to do? Eventually all will live this way"¦ This is not "Amonhi Doctrine" it is the Doctrine of the Church"¦ I suppose those who want to hold on to the Church Structure, who are not prepared to Be Gods will not be prevented from doing as they like, but we are talking about a very distant future for most people here, so I find it useless in this context.

So I guess the answer to your question is No AND Yes. No, It is not my intent in any way to destroy or hurt the church, yet, do I want others to Join the Church of the Firstborn"¦ Yes"¦ Because in the Scriptures it clearly states that only members of the Church of the First Born will be exalted Gods. And do I want others to be Gods themselves? Yes! Everyone! I want that for everyone! If that is seeking that others Graduate from the church, then I am guilty as charged"¦ right along with God and Christ who apparently made up this "other term" (Church of the Firstborn) in the first place. But, I feel that I am in NO way seeking to harm the church, NOR anyone's testimony of it"¦ I have a testimony of it"¦ It is an organization of God on the Earth!

Will it be the organization of God in Heaven? Not likely, as we have been told and it has been revealed that it is not"¦ When it is God's time everyone will eventually "Graduate" or the church system it's self will be dissolved, God will do it the way that is best and the least upsetting I would hope, but I am not here to council God.

Like I said, this is not what we are talking about here"¦ But, in having our eyes open and not closed, we can see more possibilities of how the Lord might work.

There is no doubt that all of your questions are an attempt to trap or crucify me. To somehow Prove or disprove ME"¦ Not the Teachings of the Lord that I have testified of.

To all of those reading this"¦ If I had said I am not a member, but here to infiltrate you from some other religion"¦ What then?
What If I had said I was an excommunicated member?
What if I had said I was the Wife or SON of one of the 3 Nephites? (Who ever said they couldn't have children!?!?! (Much harder to believe I"d bet.)
What if I had said I was a 70? Or one of the 12 apostles? Yes, you probably would not believe me"¦ But the question is"¦ How would you know? And more importantly, what difference would it make? Do you believe a person, or judge them based on how the world judges"¦? If I was any of the above speaking Truth how would you recognize it?
Think about it"¦

I have a sure knowledge of the living Christ"¦ I share that witness, and the witness that He is waiting for all to receive Him, as well as Their Calling and Election made sure in awaiting Godhood"¦ Which will also surely someday come to the Faithful"¦

I know it, and I know that God knows it.

12th Oct, 2008 - 12:20pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Submission Amonhi

I find your responses often very laborious. Instead of just answering you go into this unnecessary discourse. You mix it with sarcasm and instead try to question me in the process not making your answers any more credible, but it is good that you answer this way, because it is my hope that you do show your fruits.

I am a lover of transparency, as one can easily see my name is everywhere online with what I stand for, so when I encounter an avoidance of questions, especially when those questions are direct makes me weary. You are not the Savior, you are not a Prophet over me (unless a false one or one for yourself) so your constant comparison to what I or others would have done with regards to being in the day or Joseph or Christ has no bearing. Others may not have seen it, but when someone disagrees with you in a Thread you quickly pull out that 'you would have done the same to Joseph' line. You are at this point just a 'name' and hidden identity part of a Matrix trying to broadcast a message.

It is my right to question any Member that comes here, especially when they are in the LDS Mature Discussion because I have to protect the integrity of this Community from infiltrators and people disguising themselves as Members. It has happened many times before, and it will continue to happen because such people are always out there trying to get in.

In my experience with you on here and from what I gathered externally your behavior and motives are highly suspicious and thus I have every right to question ultimate motives. Those who may think that is rude, or intrusive or whatever else do not understand how Communities are run and do not appreciate that you are a GUEST here and not by right. Most people do NOT read our rules before participating and thus start to question what they have already AGREED to, so in fact you have already AGREED that I can and have the right to investigate and make final decisions on any matter regarding this Community. It is not a debatable issue. This Community is guarded, we have 19 others we have set up that allows everyone to be open and basically do what they want such as but when you come here, you are following a strict no nonsense policy.

I skimmed through what you said and will identify things that should make everyone alert about what you are trying to teach here:

QUOTE (Amonhi)
The church has many teachings and doctrines that are adopted by the general membership which are not true.
To Teach Truth, as far as I understand it in the hopes that others will be able to correct me if I am wrong or learn if I am right.

That is a contradiction. If you teach Truth then others will not need to correct you. That is my MAIN POINT about 'Amonhi Doctrine' - you do not Post with a measure of this is my opinion, but you make statements as fact and then tell the people that they are to feel the Spirit and truth of your message, whether you chose to do so as Amonhi / Elliason or whatever name you care to use.

Masturbating while singing a hymn, some other interesting statements that anyone reading carefully will pick up, and what seems to be as a lack of focus on Christ or I will dare say a message that seems to guide people away from Christ is for me Satanic in nature.

Do I feel your message is interesting, yes, some parts of it. Is your message just a contribution or a proselyting mission I am unsure. I think you have given sufficient information now, not by what you said (because that still cannot be verified), but how you said it (which is what I'm after) Members of the Mature section now have enough to make a decision for themselves and be guided / guarded as the case may be as I appropriately make each Thread as to what it is about. Just as I have with the Magic the Gathering Threads which indicate that what the reader is looking at is FALSE doctrine or ANTI Mormon rant and specifically geared to lead you away from the Church, so they are not misguided and understand that they are looking at something for the purpose of educating themselves and not a doctrine of the Church.

12th Oct, 2008 - 1:42pm / Post ID: #

Submission Amonhi

Amonhi, did you ever heard the phrase "Your actions speak so loud that I cannot hear what you're saying". I read all your posts within this thread and others and I am always surprised to see how you are constantly comparing yourself with the Savior, I don't even know how you do it. Members on this forum little know that you and us have "talked" outside the community since you joined and little they know the reason we were asking these questions are because of your many lies, one specifically about you being Elliaison. I hope those who read your writings are aware of that fact otherwise you're once again deceiving them, pretending to say Elliason is another person/couple as you stated HERE which in reality is you and your wife.

It is truly a turn off, particularly reading you say how you teach Truth but then saying you teach philosophies of men mingled with Scripture. At this point, after ALL the things we know about you and that people here don't know, all I can say is "By the fruits you shall know them". And it has nothing to do with who you truly are because even BEFORE we knew who you were, your fruits of wanted to remain in darkness, hidden was a big red flag. Your constant avoidance at direct questions was also a red flag. Because Truth is about Light and transparency and it has always been from the beginning.

Members are free to choose whatever theory or "doctrine" they wish for themselves but I suggest that they analyze for themselves your writings and actions and then make the decision.

Do you truly want to teach Truth? Start by removing the mask that you have placed to disguise yourself but you won't do it, would you?

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.  Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?  Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth devil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.  Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." (Mattew 7:15-20)

13th Oct, 2008 - 5:45am / Post ID: #

Amonhi Submission

At this point, after ALL the things we know about you and that people here don't know, all I can say is "By the fruits you shall know them". And it has nothing to do with who you truly are because even BEFORE we knew who you were, your fruits of wanted to remain in darkness, hidden was a big red flag. Your constant avoidance at direct questions was also a red flag. Because Truth is about Light and transparency and it has always been from the beginning.

Who are you saying he truly is? If you have made a determination regarding Amonhi or Eliason and have proof why not share it with us so we can make a decision as well.

I rely upon the Spirit to guide me and I have had some issues that I am still praying about but I have not felt the Spirit tell me to run! I have pondered many things he has written and also felt good about many things. I do understand that truth mingled with scripture can cause a reaction like this, I am not saying that it can't but I am saying that we are told to pray and follow the Spirit. If there is a reason that he is treated like this, like a trial of some sort, why do you not share information that could shed light on the situation? It does not seem like many are willing to stand for the things he is teaching--and I am not asking you too--but if you know something are you going to share it? or are we going to continue in the dark? I say we as a community as I will not place judgement on anyone or anything, even after I know by the Spirit the truth

I know there have been many anti-mormon people here that have been shut down in a heart beat and not left to leave their mark on this forum for very long. There messages are clear with intent...and I thank you for ridding the community of their presence. With Amonhi, I think it is a little different, IMO, he has asked us NOT to believe him but to seek truth from the Spirit. If the Spirit says it is not true, then why doesn't his words go unbelieved instead of challenged? Something tells me that you must have an idea....

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13th Oct, 2008 - 6:28am / Post ID: #

Amonhi Submission - Page 2

QUOTE (AlaskanLDS)
...have proof why not share it with us so we can make a decision as well.

You want to make a decision about what? Whether to follow Amonhi Doctrine or not? I'm not sure what you are asking.

First of all who he / they / her truly is of no importance, it is what he is portraying currently is what is the issue for me. We have known about this for awhile and I thought he would have changed his method, but with this recent start of many new Threads I was surprised.

I would like to make some points here that are very relevant to this:

1. Members rarely know what is the WHOLE of anything with regards to the operations of Members in this Community, FarSeer can vouch for that as she has been with us almost from the beginning. For instance they may see 'Joe' (an example) join be nice with everyone and everyone likes him, but secretly the server has been telling us that Joe has been trying to hack into our system, so we ban him. Of course from the Members perspective we are demon moderators who take an iron will against such a nice person as 'Joe'. Joe was so nice, he did not do anything to anyone and yet they ban him - JB is so terrible, why don't we try to ban JB. Perspective is everything is it my job to now go and inform Members of what Joe did? No, I think an adequate message from a Moderator or Both saying the person did not follow our policy or rules is sufficient. I do not need to give you Joe's exact doings, IP or name, I need Members to just trust that our doings are with the BEST of intentions for the WHOLE and not just one perspective. From where I sit I see more than Threads, RPGs, and Posts. Please understand that it is my intention to have the Community grow. I do not willfully go around investigating things like this and others unless I feel it was justified. If I, or one of our Moderators, Bots seem to come down on someone or something it is because there is a consistent pattern. Most times things are edited, Posts deleted and things cleaned away before you get here so from your perspective you only see the aftermath of 'Joe' being banned, and wasn't that Joe such a nice guy? I could tell you stories of serious matters that have happened here from people who joined and determined to undermine our rules and policies, but it is NOT my job to inform Members of these things, it is my job to protect the integrity of the Community. Members are free to believe whatever they want about the matter. Whether I am hated or liked for it is of no consequence, so I continue on.

2. It is NOT my job to convince anyone here of 'Amonhi Doctrine' being Truth or False. It is my job to ensure that the source or claimed source is given according to our guidelines. It is one thing to share an opinion, and quite another to share something, claim it is doctrine (that is OUTSIDE of the Church), and when you state you disagree the poster portrays your disagreement with the way you disagree also is akin to how you would of treated Christ's message or Joseph's message.

3. I started some Threads about discernment. In these Threads I gave tips, should I now labor to produce all kinds of evidences against Amonhi? No, not for me, I have better things to do, it was my job to alert Members, and you are now alerted, you now must of your own will check, look and be aware. Everything is right in front of you and stated by Amonhi himself in his many Threads.

4. Lastly, anyone here is free to ask Amonhi anything about what he Posts, I have not stopped you. If you do not want to make it a Post then you can PM him. What he replies is for him to decide, and how you take it is up to you.

13th Oct, 2008 - 8:17am / Post ID: #

Amonhi Submission Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 2

QUOTE (JB @ 12-Oct 08, 10:28 PM)
You want to make a decision about what? Whether to follow Amonhi Doctrine or not? ******

1. Members rarely know what is the WHOLE of anything with regards to the operations of Members in this Community,

Perspective is everything is it my job to now go and inform Members of what Joe did? No, I think an adequate message from a Moderator or Both saying the person did not follow our policy or rules is sufficient. 

First off, thank you for the explanation of your job. I have not ever thought that it was any different and respect the things you do to make it available. I appreciate you letting me know what your job DOESN'T include as I guess I overlooked that.

As far as your question, No I am not asking you to answer if the things that Amonhi teaches, (I do not feel that it should be called Amonhi Doctrine, but again that is my opinion) I will rely on the Spirit for that. I meant more about his character. But you are right, I don't need you to tell me about the things you know...I can make that decision on my own too (with the Spirit).

The thing that made me more aware of Amonhi is because as you mentioned in your reply, a simple message from the moderator or bots should suffice...End of story. But that is not what is happening here in my opinion. You and LDS stated that little does the community know why we asked these questions and we know who you really are (paraphrasing)...that got my attention and then there was nothing to back it up. I am not trying to convince anybody of anything, only pointing out WHY I even asked in the first place.


It is NOT my job to convince anyone here of 'Amonhi Doctrine' being Truth or False. 

...and when you state you disagree the poster portrays your disagreement with the way you disagree also is akin to how you would of treated Christ's message or Joseph's  message.

I did not read that with negativity and I wonder if Isaiah53 did? It could be that I missed it but I honestly felt he was saying that we (not only Isaiah) would have probably said the same thing to Joseph--but if we were sincere the Spirit would tell us of its truth.


3. I started some Threads about discernment. In these Threads I gave tips, should I now labor to produce all kinds of evidences against Amonhi? No, not for me, I have better things to do, it was my job to alert Members, and you are now alerted...

Thank you for the threads and tips. Maybe I was out of line by asking you to produce "evidence" and will not question you again. I appreciate your alerting me and as you mentioned if all that is before me is what I need to make a decision than I will do so. I am not here to argue one side or the other. I simply was wondering what you found that should effect us....human nature, sorry.


4. Lastly, anyone here is free to ask Amonhi anything about what he Posts, I have not stopped you. If you do not want to make it a Post then you can PM him. What he replies is for him to decide, and how you take it is up to you.

I have taken the opportunity to do both, thank you for those options. That being said, I wish everyone to know that I am not looking for you or anyone else to answer what I should or should not believe. I just wanted to reply my reasons for questioning--Thanks.

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