Oil And Trouble (camp) - Page 7 of 8

After reporting to his companions of what - Page 7 - Comic / Anime PBP RPGs, Reviews - Posted: 19th Apr, 2009 - 3:47pm

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Post Date: 7th Apr, 2009 - 3:39pm / Post ID: #

Oil And Trouble (camp)
A Friend

Oil And Trouble (camp) - Page 7

"You should go and listen by the door and find out what you can, Thoraguard. Incredibad and I shall remain over here and TRY not to be too conspicuous." Replies Sphere, feeling very conspicuous indeed.

OOC to Game Master:

How do people receive Super Heroes in costume?
What is the general attitude toward Meta-Humans?
How conspicuous are we really?
Is it common for people to see costumed super heroes running and flying about?

OOC to Players

How are you guys getting about town?
Sphere is obviously flying.

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7th Apr, 2009 - 4:32pm / Post ID: #

camp Trouble Oil


People are very aware you exist and like any group some like you some detest. So no concerns and just like any other more do you good better you will be received.

In general any one wearing a costume does stand out and you will be noticed.

Transportation is not a major concern I am assuming you have cars or a cycle for nearby transport. Long distance well you will have to figure that out for preference. So you can travel in disguise then get to other side and dress up or travel in costume.

Just take into account public reactions per say the avengers for famous types vs the newbie who just is starting out and no one knows. In your case a distant memory for most which would be both positive and negative since you disappeared after you friend fell in battle. So a war vet might love you but a modern activist might not feel either way.

Reconcile Edited: krakyn on 7th Apr, 2009 - 4:39pm

9th Apr, 2009 - 11:25am / Post ID: #

Oil And Trouble (camp) Reviews & RPGs PBP Anime / Comic

Lift (STR/4.4 x 20)use x40 if not moving ie he lifts the car off the woman
Hand to Hand
Bonus (DEX/13.3 - 3)(negative numbers are no bonus)
Actions (INT/22.2) (This is how many extra actions per round with out penalty)
Running (DEX/4.4+5)

These are some items to have thoughts on. Now everything is imperial that is pounds to lift and MPH is speed running speed is holdable at half full our running starts costing vitality. lift is similar half you are not bad over that it starts to cost. I am sure the details are in the abilities thread.

int 85 action per round is +3 all can make +6 regular moves. Round = 1 minute one action 10 seconds. Smarter you can be thinking farther ahead so you can make extra moves. More moves can be attempted but you take a penalty on the to hit rolls.

Post Date: 14th Apr, 2009 - 3:38pm / Post ID: #

Oil And Trouble (camp)
A Friend

Page 7 camp Trouble Oil

What do you feel we should say to the man? I am thinking that we tell him we are investigating the breaking with the lab to see what if anything it may have to do with the hostages on the ship.

Post Date: 14th Apr, 2009 - 5:16pm / Post ID: #

Oil And Trouble (camp)
A Friend

camp Trouble Oil

Sphere takes heed of Thorguard's whispered question then promptly replies to the man.

"You may or may not remember me, but I am Sphere and these are my colleagues, Thoraguard and Incredibad. We are investigating a suspected link between the terrorist hijacking of the Shill Oil Tanker and what has occurred here. Now, we could not help but notice that none of the animals were freed, despite that passionate slogans that have been written all over your walls. If you could spare a moment of your time to share any information with us, it would help our cause immensely."

Post Date: 15th Apr, 2009 - 3:53pm / Post ID: #

Oil And Trouble (camp)
A Friend

Oil And Trouble (camp)

Looks like we need to go and have little visit with this other guy. I have a feeling that this new guy will give us some interesting information about the tanker.

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Post Date: 15th Apr, 2009 - 9:16pm / Post ID: #

Oil And Trouble (camp)
A Friend

Oil Trouble camp - Page 7

Sphere accepts the card, looks it over then hands it to Thoraguard.

"Thank you, sir, for all your help." Sphere purposely pauses to allow his companions question the man, then adds, "One more thing, if I may ask, who provided the funding for the development of your 'super-algae'?"

After any further dialog, Sphere agrees with Thoraguard, that they should pay Mr. Watkins a visit. "I'll meet you there." He tells them, then once outside takes to the air and heads for the office of the Shill Oil executive.

OOC to Game Master.

Once Sphere reaches the office of Mr. Watkins, if it seems that it is on a top floor with a window, he will make a fly by and take quick look to see if there is anything awry. He will then rejoin the others and report what he has seen.

Post Date: 19th Apr, 2009 - 3:47pm / Post ID: #

Oil And Trouble (camp)
A Friend

Oil Trouble camp Comic / Anime PBP RPGs & Reviews - Page 7

After reporting to his companions of what he had seen on the rooftop, Sphere leans against the wall of the alley in which they are remaining while they decide their next move.

"So it seems that who ever vandalized Designer Genes, has stolen Shill's only option to avert a natural disaster. It seems that the terrorists that have hijacked the Tanker are covering all of their bases.

"We have to see this Mr. Watkins and learn who would be willing to go to such lengths to attack their company, if in fact this is personal. It could be a case of ransom."

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