If voice box will accept this I rolled stam 82 con 15 salary 60,000 (6000 to spend). Please select a power from the list above and we are almost set.
Klar your salary sorry is 23,000.(2,300 to spend)
Tiphereth salary is $150,000.(15000 to spend)
90% of the salary is used to pay over head costs you get t keep the balance.
I will post a supplies list and on that wall also be the damage rating for gear. Also the items constitution since things tend to get broke with you super hero types.
for those who have not posted their class type the default is unsung hero.
Voice box you can take this roll if you like ...
Stam 82
Con 16
Skill 9
Salary 60,000 means you have 6000 for spending.
And you have to choose 9 skills from the following. The add all that to your profile and place it in the character thread please.
I will describe the skills selected after all character are generated.
For voicebox pick nine of the following two areas of skills.
Normal skills
First aid , Survival, Unarmed Combat, Brawling, Disguise, Language, Security Systems, Toughness, Vehicle Operation, Combat Skill, Demolitions, Electronics, Foresight, Lip reading, Mechanic, Running, Social Skill, Stunt Driving, Tracking, Weapon skill, Computers, Engineering, Heavy Weapons, Surveillance, Tumbling.
Power skills
Power extension
Edited: krakyn on 2nd Apr, 2009 - 4:58pm