Abortion Doc Who Kills "Ugly Black Babies," a Democrat Donor
The abortion practitioner who is getting national attention for telling pro-life advocates that his abortions help rid the world of "ugly, black babies" turns out to be a prominent Democratic Party donor.
"The doctor in the video, apparently, is an active political donor, giving almost all his money to Democrats," notes Tim Carney, of the Washington Examiner.
Source 5
CBS's Nancy Giles: Whites Want to Ban Abortion to "Build Up Race"
A video featuring Nancy Giles of CBS is making the round this afternoon because it has her attacking white, pro-life Americans claiming they oppose abortion on racist grounds. During the Melissa Harris-Perry Show on Saturday on MSNBC Giles said white Americans 'trying to eliminate all these abortions" 'to build up the race." Ref. Source 8
Abortion is Devastating the African American Community, Is Anyone Noticing?
According to the Centers for Disease Control, African American women have 40 percent of the nation's abortions, but make up only 13 percent of the population. That black children are being aborted at such a high rate has not been a subject of discussion among the Democrats in the Congress and the White House, who insist on leaving the door open for abortion funding in the health care bill.
But a recent article in the New York Times suggests that the disproportionate price being paid in the African American community for the pro-abortion advocacy of Planned Parenthood is beginning to be noticed. Ref. Source 4
Black Pro-Life Candidate Stands Behind Planned Parenthood-KKK Comparison
Republican Lt. Governor candidate E.W. Jackson of Virginia told a radio talk show host today that he stands behind the comparison he made of the Planned Parenthood abortion business and the KKK, saying it targets blacks. Ref. Source 8
Two-Thirds of Abortions in the United States are Done on Minority Babies
The abortion of a child of any ethnicity or color is a tragedy that impacts a whole nation. But one thing the latest numbers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) tell us is that abortion continues to exact a particularly devastating toll on minority communities.
As mentioned in a post from earlier this week, the CDC annual "Abortion Surveillance" for 2010 found a 3.1% drop in abortions from 2009, on top of a 4.6% drop from the previous year. Ref. Source 5
Shock: More Black Babies Aborted Than Born Alive in New York
New York's Governor, Andrew Cuomo, just announced that "right-to-life" advocates have "no place in the state of New York." The Radiance Foundation and its civil rights allies defy Governor Cuomo's intolerance and have launched the "DREAM IS DEAD" ad campaign (Www.toomanyaborted.com/ny) in New York on Martin Luther King Day.
The bold ad campaign declares: "The Dream Is Dead For 56 Million: TooManyAborted.com" Ref.
Rich Americans More Likely to Favor Taxpayer Funding of Abortions for Poor Women
In early January, George Mason University Law Professor Helen Alvare testified before a congressional committee about the need for the federal government to "once and for all" remove itself from involvement with funding of abortions. Ref. Source 9
More Black Babies Die in Abortions in New York City Than Given Birth
The good news in New York City, often referred to as the abortion capital of America, is that the abortion rate is under 40% for the first time in decades.
But CNS News indicates there is some bad news as well - namely, that more black babies are killed in abortions than given birth. In 2012, there were more black babies killed by abortion (31,328) in New York City than were born there (24,758), and the black children killed comprised 42.4% of the total number of abortions in the Big Apple, according to a report by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Ref. Source 8