Illinois Acts Of Kindness
How will you rate the Acts Of Kindness in Illinois?
Are Good deeds / altruism something that you see daily in Illinois?
Consider these words: doing favors, good turns, goodwill, charitable and kindheartedness... do these words describe the attitude of people towards one another in Illinois? If so, what examples can you give of someone from Illinois typically being kind to someone else?
Lastly, are Acts Of Kindness only shown to locals or foreigners too?
Illinois couple Emily Bugg and Billy Lewis lost their $5,000 catering deposit when their wedding was canceled due to coronavirus restrictions. But they got married anyway and their non-refundable deposit went toward 200 Thanksgiving meals for Thresholds, a nonprofit whose clients include people with mental illnesses and substance use disorders. Ref. Source 3i.
The pandemic has really crippled the plans of many but its good that this couple chose to do good with what might seem to be unfavorable for them. This is the kind of story I like to read because it shows there are still good people out there thinking about others.