Ive never heard this. In fact, I've always heard that Trinidad is the land of the most beautiful people. I agree with the statement, since you cant walk 5 steps without seeing a beautiful woman or an attractive man.
I think the question is based on a predetermined set of beauty related concepts as to what is and is not comely. I believe everyone has a right to decide what is beautiful or not to them. I have covered this extensively in the Fashion Board, but here is my position on the matter as it relates to Trinis.
First of all, I have heard the statement before about Trinis not looking good, and it would usually come from a Venezuelan. Now this is not to stereotype Venezuelans, but I have heard it before from them on more than one occasion. An easy way to find out what a person thinks about the physical beauty of the country's citizenry is to simply ask them if they would be involved with someone of the opposite sex (if they are hetro) totally based on looks as compared to someone else in another country. The answer should be resounding as to what words they use... you can tell if they are honest. I usually know how to ask these things.
Second, I have heard the other side of the coin... where many people rate Trinis as good looking, but oddly I have heard this mostly from... you guessed it, the Trinis themselves. Trinidadians love to talk about their own comeliness - it is actually amazing. I find many of our local women are very comely, but unfortunately they are somehow kept under lock and key (that is another topic).
My personal opinion is that within the mixed races group we have some really good looking women, BUT they are not walking the streets in plentiful quantities as I see in other countries. As for the men - I won't even go there!
where many people rate Trinis as good looking, but oddly I have heard this mostly from... you guessed it, the Trinis themselves. Trinidadians love to talk about their own comeliness |
My personal opinion is that within the mixed races group we have some really good looking women, BUT they are not walking the streets in plentiful quantities as I see in other countries. |
I suppose it has to do a lot with our perception of beauty, our cultural backgrounds, etc. The statement that we hear sometimes from foreigners about Trinidadian women being the most beautiful in the world is nothing more than a cliche. I cannot count the many times I heard celebrities coming to Argentina and saying the exact same thing and then they go to Germany, Chile or Uganda and they say the exactly same thing about women AND local food of those countries. So really, is just a normal cliche people uses to compliment others, that's all.
I have seen very good looking women here but to be honest (and I do not intend to be offensive) were only few of them. I would not describe Trinidadians (men and women in general) as beautiful people physically on my own cultural view of beauty. Just my personal opinion.
Here is another example of what a foreigner likes. I know a guy from the US that loves what he terms 'Caribbean Women', or at least that is how he refers to the Trini women he has seen, and he is married to a Trini woman, but she does not look typical of here - she mixed and could probably pass for another country like Hawaii or Venezuela.
Now, in his garage he keeps a poster of the Carib girls and the William H. Scott girls. Now, if you look at the girls on these posters (all from Trinidad) you will see that we have very beautiful women here, in fact, they could rival many of the world's models, BUT, and here is the big BUT... you do not see these girls typically walking down the street. I know they are there, but they are not readily there if you get my drift. Maybe Cookie is not talking about the Carib / William H. Scott classed Trini women, but I would not see this after every five women I passed.
This is a very weird question, I can't understand the reason for this question and I will disagree, there are plenty of beautiful women in Trinidad and Tobago, Handsome men as well.
Let us not have those who judge us based on their own perception of beauty and cannot look beyond our physicality to find the beauty which exist in all human beings.
My people "Trinidadians" you are of god and for you to be ugly assigns the same faith to god.
Weird question? What is weird, that Foreigners who have visited Trinidad have made this comment, if so that was not a question, or Gossip asking for verification if it is true or not - is that what is weird? What do you disagree with... some foreigners perception of the physical beauty of those from Trinidad & Tobago or do you disagree that Gossip should not be asking for verification.
Rather off topic, but... Questions here are not 'weird', they have many deep meanings to them. If you were to analyze what is being asked you would be able to give an unbiased rather than emotional answer invoking 'god', etc. |