Mormon Discernment - Page 2 of 3

ExMormon, your argument is a straw man argument. - Page 2 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 19th Jan, 2013 - 12:51am

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2nd Aug, 2012 - 6:41pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Discernment - Page 2

Being able to discern things is a definitely plus in your life. I know I've felt the spirit of discernment many times and had things open up to me.

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Post Date: 14th Aug, 2012 - 8:46pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Discernment
A Friend

Discernment Mormon

Wouldn't allow me to edit my post, so here it is modified.

I don't know if Mormon Discernment is quite the right wording, the Gift of Discernment is not totally privileged to the Mormons.Often in conversation with non LDS members or and trying to explain my abilities, they are left with a blank on their faces, until I say Gift of Discernment, then they understand, so we are not the only ones.

In my life, I have found that the average Mormon does not really exhibit the Gifts of the Spirit and Discernment, yet we are told to seek and live to receive them. I am a hypersensitive Empath, I feel others feels like my own, plus I have the Gift of Discernment and Administering of Angels, which enables me to a Medical and etc Intuitive; it all combines and is administered under the Holy Ghost. I see now I had latent talents from Birth, it just took time and trials in life to develop them.

I find we may have latent special Talents and Spiritual Gifts, but find they only come to light from great need and trials, and after years of desiring and listening to the Spirit and God, and using using what you are given, plus thankful, and using what you received to also help others. They are not unlike a talent for Music or Math or Sport, it never happens, unless you work at it.

In a measure, it seems tied to who we were before this Earth life, the talents and faith we developed there, and what measure of trails and sacrifices we agreed too endure in this life.

Not long ago, in another Ward other then my own, our Ward was joining another Ward, while some work was being done on ours. The High Priest Class lesson was on Revelation. I kept wanting to bring something up, that Revelation and Spiritual Gifts was more predicated on how we receive and used them, then how fully Righteous we were. But the Spirit kept blocking me, saying NO. I talked to the class instructor afterwords, and he had the same problem, wanted to say the same thing I did, but the Spirit kept blocking it, so didn't. He as well as I, realized from the Spirit, that our comment well might offend some, who do not have the Holy Ghost, and Administering Angels on their shoulder 24/7. I find many members, if not most members, from what they relate in class, that feeling the Holy Ghost and Spiritual Promptings are few and far between, even if they do all that is required of them; or at least what they think is required of them.

So many of us don't hear the Spirit giving us council, the less we hear it, the less God is willing to give it. On the contrary, the more we listen and use and do, the more we hear and see. In a talk not long ago, I used the analogy of a water line and a valve. The more you listen and use what the Spirit has for you, the more the valve opens, and the greater and more constant the flow, the opposite is also true, the Scriptures are full of how that process works.

Being so blessed, only means you have a greater responsibly to help others and share the light.

I have belonged to a few New Age sites, for Empaths, Intuitive and etc, and they ask me, how did you develop your gifts. I tell them, I had a need, I prayed to God, and increases come about on latent abilities and Gifts in a few days or so. Most could not understand that, not being LDS or a active Christan or Religious person, and don't understand why a Mormon would be involved in such things. They want a simple answer to gain things, they want it handed to them, with no real learning or humility on their part.

I have my weaknesses like everyone, but when I go to Church or out from my home, make sure my light is on. I look for opportunities and prompting from the Spirit to enlighten or receive.

I have never been one for chit chat and small talk, my mind finds it so boring and unfullfilling.

3rd Oct, 2012 - 5:51pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Discernment Studies Doctrine Mormon

The gift of discernment is such a wonderful gift. When I'm speaking with people who have it, like my bishop, I feel like an open book!

Post Date: 3rd Oct, 2012 - 10:50pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Discernment
A Friend

Page 2 Discernment Mormon

I find that the Gift of Discernment carries a great weight of responsibility, it should never be used to take advantage of others, only wanting to help, with the most tender love and concern in mind. Though it is trying to see others, who are missing the mark, who only have a reflection of the Spirit, and do not take it fully in, and become one with the light and God. One has to use do caution, not to offend and cast things before, they are not ready for, or don't merit.

I am troubled by more then just the gift of discernment, though it may in part be similar. I am also a hypersensitive Empath, one of the gifts of the spirit, that is not really mentioned in Scripture, but it is how Christ knows us, and in a much greater form, took upon himself the sins and pains of us all. A Empath feels others emotions like they are his own. This is a physical hereditary gift, but the Spirit adds too it, and helps it to mature and be more usable.

I find that the Gift of the Spirit, Discernment and etc, Administering Angels if developed and perfected, work in unison with the Holy Spirit. They work in tandem, sometimes one has a hard time defining where one starts and another ends.

It is all so sweet and sounds so good, yet the opposite exist, it is a package deal, the highs of the sweetness and light, are countered by the opposite level of pain, sorrow, fear and frustration. My wife has counseled me a few times, maybe I should stop praying to be like Christ, maybe for me, that is not totally wise. But I know it is, so persist in doing and becoming who I must someday become, what ever that is.

We must not just reflect the light of the Spirit, from God, we need to slowly become a light, being one with the Godhead, as the Godhead is one.

Reconcile Edited: DavidLJ on 3rd Oct, 2012 - 10:53pm

4th Oct, 2012 - 1:42am / Post ID: #

Discernment Mormon

That is so true, I can't imagine what the responsibility of holding this gift must be like. Maybe one day I will be blessed with the gift of discernment.

Post Date: 4th Oct, 2012 - 9:15pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Discernment
A Friend

Mormon Discernment

Mormon Girl,

Good choice, we should be actively praying for talents and spiritual gifts to to help others and ourselves. The Lord is waiting to bless us, he does not get in the way, we are the ones who get in the way. I have read from the Brethren, and have found it true myself, that we need to discover what our latent gifts and abilities are. I find that what we feel good about, what we naturally desire and what comes easy for us, goes a long ways to discovering and obtaining what we want in life. But you must realize, we all have different gifts and talents for a reason, to help each other, which means we may not have the gifts we want, but the gifts we need. It is possible to miss a gift, better then what you desire, by never really looking at who you are.

I have found that we come to Earth with different talents and gifts, meant to help us fulfill our missions here. In find that I have always had the beginnings of them, they developed over time, as I dealt with trials in my life.
I find that like a muscle, they are not just given to you, without labor and pain on your part, maybe you already understand that.

I have seen and read about others who have abilities and gifts I do not have, and wished I had those instead of or as well as what I had already. I learned what I had was for my benefit, and the other things could actually throw me off my path back to God.

I do find that people are naturally empathic and can discern things, but the world seems to cause us to loose them while growing up; how sad that is. I grew up thinking what alien race dropped me off here on Earth, I was and am so different then the average person. Just luckily my present wife is similar to me, a lot of these things are developed in the pre-existence and you bring them with you, some gifts come from your ancestors. Don't remember which General Authority said this, but it was relayed, that when we learn and believe in thing here on Earth, we are relearning the things we knew before we came to earth again.

Reconcile Edited: DavidLJ on 4th Oct, 2012 - 9:21pm

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12th Oct, 2012 - 2:32pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Discernment - Page 2

The thing about discernment is that some people are natural mentalists and others are not. If it were really all about something supernatural telling us the 'truth' about anything then every interview by a Mormon bishop would be flawless and it isn't like that.

Post Date: 19th Jan, 2013 - 12:51am / Post ID: #

Mormon Discernment
A Friend

Mormon Discernment Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 2

ExMormon, your argument is a straw man argument. It assumes that Mormons believe that all Bishops are always inspired, and that is not the case. I know from personal experience that there have been times when I have been inspired and other times when I have not been inspired. It is the same for Bishops, Stake Presidents, and even General Authorities. That's why the Prophet Joseph Smith said that a prophet is not always a prophet--because even prophets are not always inspired. Take the prophet, Jonah, for example. The Lord called him on a mission to Nineveh, and he immediately embarked on a ship going in exactly the opposite direction. That was not inspired, as evidenced by the fact that he was later swallowed by a big "Fish." Then, when he finally did get to Nineveh, he prophesied what would befall the inhabitants if they did not repent. That was when he was inspired. Nobody is always inspired, but righteous people are at least sometimes inspired. I know this from personal experience.

Reconcile Edited: Tragula on 19th Jan, 2013 - 12:54am

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