Russian journalist, reported fatally shot in Ukraine, shows up alive at news conference. The head of the Ukrainian Security Service told a news conference on Wednesday the agency faked anti-Kremlin Arkady Babchenko’s death to catch those trying to kill him. Babchenko, a fiercely anti-Kremlin journalist who fled Russia after receiving death threats, was reportedly shot and killed in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev. Babchenko, 41, served in the Russian army during the two wars in Chechnya in the 1990s and became one of Russia’s best-known war reporters. Ref. USAToday.
There is some video of a Russian ship hitting a Ukraine tug boat because they claimed it was in Russian waters. The Ukraine is thinking about introducing martial law and that's never a good thing for their already weakened economy. We could be looking at the beginnings of a war.
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 34 3.4%
I do not think anything will become of it. In truth if Russia wanted to go into the Ukraine right now and take it over they could and hardly anything would stop them except maybe NATO but I don't even see NATO as a formidable force anymore.
International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 41 4.1%