"Let us conquer ourselves, and then go to and conquer all the evil that we see around us, as far as we possibly can. And we will do it without using violence; we will do it without interfering with the agency of men or women. We will do it by persuasion, by long-suffering, by patience, and by forgiveness and love unfeigned, by which we will win the hearts, the affections and the souls of the children of men to the truth as God has revealed it to us"
-- Joseph F. Smith, Teachings, pg. 250
The best thing that will help autistic members and their caregivers is to refrain from judging them because most likely you have it all wrong. Besides that they need your help, not your judgmental eyes and comments.
Name: Markus
Comments: Being Mormon and autistic is no easy task. Members of the church have so many requirements inside and outside the gospel that you feel like its an impossible task to fit in with Peter Priesthood and Molly Mormon. I have a hard time grasping the Mormon jokes because I don't see a connection between humor and sacred things like others do but that's just something I have to live with.
Someone contacted me to say that they heard my locality was getting a new mission and it was "Awesome". I replied that a cure for autism would be "Awesome". When autism is in your life other things just don't seem to matter or just aren't as "Awesome" For you as they are for others.
Name: Sammy
Comments: Its hard to help some members with autism understand how the spirit works when they take everything literal and tend to have a robotic response to most things.
More should be done to help our special needs brothers and sisters. We were probably the ones that promised to help them when they came to this earth.