Number of pagan prisoners has doubled over four years
Items Used By Pagans (not affiliated with this site)
Paganism is on the rise in jails in England and Wales with the number of practising prisoners more than doubling in the past four years.
In answer to the number of pagans on the rise in jails, my question is "what's so wrong with that?" Most Pagans respect the Earth and do their part to keep it as clean as possible. They also value human life and life in general. Most people fear what they do not understand. Christians fear Pagans and what they think they represent as a whole. This of course would be alright if they in fact did a little research into the religion and the Pagan belief system. Believe it or not, having more Pagans in jail probably isn't a bad thing. They actually have a golden rule that they follow. The rule of three. Everything you do returns to you threefold-good and bad alike. And no one can say that a War was ever fought in the name of Paganism or Wicca.
I think a lot of people refer to themselves as "pagans" but they aren't genuine. It's just their answer to what they are because if they said "Christian" then they might get some weird looks because of what they have done in life. Saying you're pagan is like summing up everything you look like you're about and not what you are if that makes any sense at all.