Name: Joe
Comments: I try to love all people regardless of their ignorance so I can see why when you warn people, raise the hand of friendship and they spit on you, it is they who have decided on what kind of response they should be getting!
I "hate" people like Glenn Beck as they are the most ignorant type of American you can encounter! They have a right to say as they wish but as Mr Beck continues his ranting like Rush Limbaugh, I can how Germany got to their Nazi atmosphere after WW1.
Intolerance is where it starts and all of a sudden the mob mentality takes over and people (those who are easily brainwashed through suggestion and weak thought impulses)become hynotized to the innuendos of their masters.
Name: Defreitas
Comments: Obama sits in the office and acts as the office would have him act.
Obama is another man and has not examined Scripture to see the futility of Israel and allies in pretending that peace can come about without the Quran.
Quran is the Most Powerful Force on the Planet and Bible agrees with Quran that the Messiah was not crucified but Bible shows the crucifixion of two thieves named Jesus by the Romans for their sudden and unannounce3d crucifixion on the Sabbath that brought about the curse on the land.
Only acceptance of the Quran will solve the problem of Jerusalem and the fallacy of Judaism.
Source 1: The Age Of Reason by M A Raheem and Mervyn C Charles
Source 2: Quran and Bible
President Obama is a disappointment and I agree with the above post in that he is just another figurehead for the post of President, like they all are - he's as much the leader of the country as the Cadillac symbol on the hood is the car.
But he should treat Islam with the same civility and respect he treats Israel/Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, atheism, or whatever else, there's no reason to be biased against anyone or anything, and there's no reason people and cultures can't get along, Islam or otherwise.
Obama says not worried by Muslim "rumors"
Political News
Reuters - A public opinion poll showing Americans are increasingly convinced, wrongly, that he is Muslim does not trouble him, President Barack Obama said on Sunday.
Source: Yahoo! News: Politics News
Obama Fulfilling the Neocon Dream - Mass Regime Change in Muslim World?
Glenn Greenwald
It seems pretty clear to me that although we may not be doing it with as much of an overt war as the neocons would like, it's just a slightly more subtle and different means of achieving the same end. Ref. Source 9
Obama Gets Heat For Koran Burning Apology
Religious Based News
Obama administration officials sent apologies after fatal riots broke out in Afghanistan, following the burning of Korans. But was saying sorry necessary Host Michel Martin talks with two Muslim Americans with differing views: Arsalan Iftikhar, author of Islamic Pacifism, and Asra Nomani, who trains the U.S. military on cultural sensitivity.
Source: Religion
"An attack on one religion is an attack on all religions," President Barack Obama says while visiting a U.S. Mosque for the first time as president.
Seeking to rebut what he views as perilous election-year bombast about Muslims, Obama spoke at the Islamic Society of Baltimore on Wednesday.
"Muslim Americans keep us safe," he told the audience, crediting the contributions Muslims have made to communities across the country. "They are our police. They are our firefighters. They're in (The Department of) Homeland Security."
Obama heralded the contributions of Muslims to American society while issuing a forceful counterpoint to the language favored by some Republican presidential candidates like Donald Trump, according to White House officials. Ref. CNN.