Barack Obama's Job Approval Falls to Lowest Levels Since Presidency Began
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- President Barack Obama's job approval rating fell to 58% in Gallup Poll Daily tracking from June 16-18 -- a new low for Obama in the polling firm's survey. He had previously received 59 percent on four different occasions. Thirty-three percent of Americans now disapprove of the job Obama is doing as president, just one point shy of his record-high 34% disapproval score from early June. Since Obama took office in January, his approval rating in Gallup tracking has averaged 63%, and most of his three-day ratings have registered above 60%. Approval of Obama did fall to 59% in individual readings in February, March, April, and early June; however, in each case, the rating lasted only a day before rebounding to at least 60%. The latest decline in Obama's approval score, to 58%, results from a drop in approval among political independents as well as among Republicans. Democrats remain as highly supportive of the president as ever. In the June 16-18 polling, Democrats' approval of him stands at 92% -- up slightly -- whereas approval is down among both independents (by seven points) and Republicans (by four points). Since February, Obama's weekly approval ratings from Republicans have consistently averaged close to 30% and from independents, close to 60%. With Republican approval now down to 21% and independent approval down to 53%, Obama's overall job approval has dipped to a new low for his presidency.
Hook me up on the Cheesecake Czar position!
Obama has got to work on making quick statements on world events. Spending days to develop the correct statement and wording for a response to the Iran Voting issue and various other worldly events makes him and the administration look weak and indecisive. This is one thing that the GWB administration did correctly even if you didnt like the message. Now I am not saying that he should be exactly like GWB...put a little charm with it, but be decisive, firm and get the message out quickly. Enemies and those just wanting to test the administration will see this easily and exploit it.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
I think it's insane that the Democratic approval rating for Obama is 92%. That's just a complete disconnect from the reality of the events going on since Obama was elected. What planet are these people living on?!?
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
The entire left wing is having a huge bromance or "man-crush" on Obama. When you got reporters bowing to the president, you can just feel the love all around the White House herb garden. In their eyes, this guy farts petunias and every utterance from the hole in the center of his face is a symphony. Clinton never had it this good!
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
Creating or saving jobs
Once he became President, Barack Obama sneakily changed his wording on the giant job promises he made during the campaign. Instead of just 'creating' jobs, he added the words 'or saving' to the phrase, leaving people to wonder exactly how he would calculate that number. Since there really is no way to tally a 'saved' job, this essentially gives Obama the freedom to say whatever he wants about jobs. Finally, he's announced how he will calculate the jobs he's saving. Glenn tries not to let his head explode as he breaks down the numbers on 'jobs created or saved' by Obama. Ref. Source 7
Second Recent Poll Shows President Barack Obama's Approval Rating at New Low
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- The second recent poll within a week is showing pro-abortion President Barack Obama's approval rating at a new low since he took over the White House. Rasmussen has Obama's approval rating dipping down and he also saw new lows in a recent survey conducted by the respected Gallup polling firm. The Rasmussen Reports daily presidential tracking poll for Monday revels a very divided public assessment of Obama's track record and his lowest showing what it calls a Presidential Approval Index rating. The poll shows that 33 percent of Americans now strongly approve of Obama's performance but that is offset by the 34 percent of Americans who strongly disapprove. That gives Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of negative one as the rating tracks how Americans with the most intense feelings one way or the other feel about Obama's job approval. Overall, 54% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance so far, according to the Rasmussen survey, while 45 percent disapprove. Among those who are politically liberal, 64 percent strongly approve, 40 percent of moderates strongly approve while 61 percent of conservatives strongly disapprove. Ref. Source 6
It doesn't surprise me, given the back-pedaling on campaign statements and promises, and the spending forward into the next 100 years. What does surprise me is the number of people who still approve of his performance.
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
Obama's tough love in Africa
CAPE COAST, Ghana - President Barack Obama traveled in his father's often-troubled home continent yesterday as a potent symbol of a new political era but also as a messenger with a tough-love theme: American aid must be matched by Africa's responsibility for its own problems. Ref. Source 3