CBS calls Obama an 'embarrassment'
Geez, what's up with the racists over there at CBS? Don't they know that any critical statement of this president signals a clear hatred for minorities? What could Obama have done to draw the ire of an adoring news network? Not communist enough? Ref. Source 2
Pres. Obama needed 12 stitches after a basketball game. I have to know who did that and what Obama looks like now.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3231 100%
Pres. Obama is probably not liking his role as President now, he already had a drop in the poll, then Wikileaks and now he can't get support from the Democrats:
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3231 100%
I think that the President is getting some of his first taste of what it is like when you don't have a super majority of the congress and house and senate leaders that threaten anyone not lock-step with their direction. The days of force feeding legislation through both houses like a goose being asked to produce foie grau are over. It must be a bit unsettling.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
Obama White House defends anti-American State Dinner music
The defense? He played it because he loved the melody, not the lyrics. Ohhh, that's a perfectly non-logical explanation that completely doesn't answer the question. With Obama's press team, it's as if they speak hoping no one will notice what they just said. That's the dumbest defense possibly ever. Get the full story on the one thing this American apology tour happy White House will defend: anti-American music Ref. Source 4
Obama's olive branch to big business: Will it work?
(Exclusive to Yahoo! News)
Political News
Exclusive to Yahoo! News - By JANE SASSEEN Yahoo! News If any doubt exists about whether President Obama gets the message that the American public wants him to put revitalizing job growth at the top of his priority list, the last two weeks should surely ? Source: Yahoo! News: Politics News