Tithing Settlement
It is that time of year when we give an account of our faithfulness in paying Tithes to the Lord through our local Ward. Tithing Settlement usually takes place from November to January of the next year. We have an interview with the Bishop and do three things:
1. Check the figures from what we donated and what the Ward / Branch received
2. State whether we are a full tithe payer, part tithe payer or not a tithe payer
3. Gain words of inspiration to continue or do better from the Bishop
Do you attend Tithing settlement or avoid it altogether?
Name: Michael
Comments: I hate tithing settlement. I have always struggled with being a full tithe payer so it seems to be a time a great guilt and depressing in all. I am a full tithe payer this year but don't plan on going. How about if we have "Sabbath day observance settlement" and maybe all the Football watching members would know what I feel like come tithing settlement time. Or even "Humility Settlement" ect.. Sometimes seeing all the names up on the list makes me think they are performing their alms before the ward. I know if I'm a full tithe payer or not and so does the Lord. I don't need to tell my left hand that my right hand gave the Bishop an envelope with my tithes. Shouldn't paying your tithing be enough and not be commanded to go before the bishop and let him know. After all if we've gone in for a temple recommend we let him know then.
I guess some take the truth be hard? I never had a fear of tithing settlement, I guess thats because I have never a had problem with tithing (Maybe I can see the other side). The list is so you give your accountability to the Lord servant. The same reason you have a temple recommend interview, the same reason you tell who you home taught. Putting your name on the list doesn't prove you are a full tithing payer one way or the other. Nor does anybody look on the list and wonder why so and so hasn't signed up yet. (if you are thinking that, then you are way to worried about it).
The Bishop is there to help you keep the commandments. One of those is tithing settlement. The Bishop has to give an account for each of his members (if they come to tithing settlement or not). Each Bishop handles it differently, with the one I served with we made sure we at least called every member so they could at least do it over the phone to declare if they are a full tithing payer or not. Other bishops might just assume if you haven't told him that means you aren't! (How is the bishop suppose to know?)
Either way, it should be a way for each of reflect not only how we are doing on our tithing, but also how did this year in keeping the commandments (call of them) and what can we do better for next year!
I look forward to tithing settlement. We all go as a family and declare individually we are full tithe payers. It's a good teaching time for the children as they look forward each month to paying their tithes and want to be recognized for doing it.
[Tithing settlement] was great, short and sweet. The Bishop had all the necessary papers this time.