When I saw the pictures, my heart just melted! Beautiful and loving pics for a change! I just love the first pic and the one Anjana looks at the camera with the little cubs.
When two white tiger cubs were born during a hurricane they had to be separated from their mother after their sanctuary flooded. However they have since found an unlikely surrogate mother in chimpanzee Anjana, who has taken on the role of caring for the cubs. These adorable images will melt even the most cynical of hearts. The two-year-old chimp has been helping keeper China York care for the 21-day-old cubs at The Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species (TIGERS) in South Carolina. 'Mitra and Shiva, were born during Hurricane Hannah,' said Dr Bhagavan, founder of TIGERS. "During that time everything flooded in the sanctuary and they had to be moved into the house as their mother became stressed. 'It was important for their safety that they were separated.' Placed into the care of infant animal care giver China and her chimpanzee companion, Anjna, the cubs have become almost inseparable from their new motherly figures. Dr Bhagavan added: 'China's role means that she is care giver to hundreds of animals when they are born. 'Anjana has been with China, side by side, ever since she was born and has joined her in caring and raising baby animals. 'So she helped her and acted as a surrogate mother to these animals and she has done these same with these baby white tigers. 'She gives them a bottle, lies with them and acts as a surrogate mother. She has a close contact and bond and gives them a nurturing.' China has looked after Anjana the female chimpanzee since she was born, and they have been inseparable ever since... |