First Time Visitors
A day or so I corrected something I noticed only happened to first time visitors - instead of seeing the default Skin of a custom Skin Board like the Christmas Board for example they would instead be shown the Mobile Skin. The reason for this was the lack of a cookie or some choice on the part of the visitor which of course they did not have yet. This has been corrected so first time visitors do have to specifically want the mobile Skin.
More Mobile Enhancements
It seems the initial reaction to having the Mobile Skin as the default is favorable. Therefore more enhancements will be needed so first time visitors and New Members are aware there is a more full experience in the Default or Executive Skins. Therefore there are more options of "View Full Version" links in the Mobile Skin.
Other changes:
1. The Member Wars Board has its own colors.
2. We will soon be adding colors for other Boards as well so they will have that unique look many are accustomed to in the Full Skin
3. Banners for specific forums will also be implemented
More Stats Available
In each Thread you will now be able to see the Thread's stats such as number of views, posts, last viewed and an option to go to the latest Post of the Thread so you do not have to 'thumb' through pages.
Related Links For Mobile Version
I had originally moved Related Links in the Mobile Skin but the content there may be very valuable for Users so it has been added back. Therefore Mobile Users do not miss anything Full Version Users see from this feature.
I wanted to say once again Thank You for all the attention you are paying to the mobile users. Even if I have a laptop now, I still rely on my phone quite often and I saw the Mobile Skin getting better and better over time. In my opinion, being part of a community it means getting in touch with it as often as possible and being able to browse the website or read the members posts from a handphone really adds to the experience.
Rather off topic but, recently I received a great gift: a brand new Android smartphone. Amazing. To be honest, I'm still trying to figure out how it works and how to avoid it sucking all the money I put on it through application updates or other internet transactions that it continuously does in the background. I already blocked more than half of this activity but he still sucks my money while sitting idle on a table. I hope to outsmart this phone in a couple of days. I tried to use it to post in this very thread a few hours ago but my post never appeared so, probably, I still have to configure it properly. But I'm really looking forward to when I'll be in full control of its functions.
Your welcome. I have a Dell Aero with Android Cupcake and used the default browser which allowed me to have posted here before without problems. Ensure you have no cookie / domain blocking settings turned on for this site otherwise that can happen. Only if you still have problems please let me know your phone specs next time.
Improvements & Fixes Made
* Those using the dreaded IE were not seeing some avatars properly
* In IE if no Character Avatar was selected then a broken image would be shown
* More stats were added to Posts as they have been in the Full Skins so Members can be more aware of how they are doing.