Guest Posting Mobile Compatible
To make it easier for Guest Users on the Mobile Skin to Post their thoughts I've changed the layout to fit better for mobile phones. It will also appear like this if the Guest User switches to Full version layout.
Mobile Users & Uploads
I suspect that when our Mobile Users try to Upload images there may be some problems. I'm not sure of the exact cause but I noticed two instances of it recently. If you try to Upload an Image and it ends up as an attachment rather than displaying the image please let me know:
1. The kind of phone you are using
2. The kind of connection: Wi-fi or direct or proxy
3. Which browser you were using at the time
Layout Change For Mobile Skin
I was never pleased with how the Mobile Skin looked, I only enabled it to facilitate Mobile Users as that seems to be the in thing now. Today I tried to give it a more palatable look while at the same time making it more interesting for someone that might be using an Ipad or PC.
I tested this on an Android and it works well. If any Mobile Users experience problems please do let me know.
I'm testing the Mobile Skin and I will come back with some feedback in a few days. Sorry for the delay but I was using the Default Skin also with my phone lately.
Not easy for me to comment on the changes at the moment. Everything looks great but I want to use it for some time to understand how much is because of the improvements you made and how much is because I'm using a last generation Android device now. Work in progress.
No need to say 'sorry" Bruconero, I was not singling you out for feedback. I make these Updates each time I do a change so Members cannot say it isn't documented.
You are using the Full version on a mobile - very good. What kind of phone and browser are you using?
I'm using Opera Mini (my favorite) on a Sony Experia. The Android OS is demanding in terms of data traffic so now I had to buy monthly data packages and browsing the Forums represents only a small part of my internet usage: that's why I shifted to the Default Skin.
I know that you were not calling on me to give you feedback but I'm active and I still often post from a phone so helping you out is the minimum I can do.