This may sound like a silly question, but do many people living in Trinidad NOT like Trini music?
I just can't acquire a taste for soca. It's too repetitive and simplistic and [in my opinion] only good to dance to and not to listen to. I'm indifferent towards calypso, but it gets too political sometimes. Chutney is fine some of the time, but can be a bit repetitive like soca.
So, would people think "Eh eh, wha'happen to you?!" if a person says they don't like Trini music? !
You can't just look at soca as "Trini music". There is a lot more music variety in Trinidad. Steel pan, rapson, calypso (not the same as soca), chutney, parang, etc. I like all kinds of music, some I can do without but generally I love my Trini music.
To get into soca you have to like the jammin kind of music. Soca is like an excuse to get on bad and just have fun I don't think anyone stops to think about the beat or what's being said.
I do not like it and actually heard that argument from a Trini who came back from studying music in the UK. He was saying he could not understand the four beat concept with lyrics that had no real beginning or end. I think Soca music has its place for certain people, just not with me. As for other types of music in Trinidad… I like parang, but I do not know if we can really claim that as our music. I feel there needs to be a lot more development in the classical side of the talent of our people. Not everything is jump and wave.
I always find sickening how some singers defend their vulgar songs by blaming another artist or comparing their crap with another crap song. In this case, Bunji defends the double meaning of the song "Banana" after a lecturer described this song (And all soca) as "Musical pornography". Of course, the song is a hit and people are offended with the lecturer's definition.