In All Seriousness

In Seriousness - Matrix Trilogy - Plugged RPG - Posted: 17th Oct, 2006 - 7:35am

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Posts: 16 - Views: 4257
Poll: I would have taken the...
  Red Pill       85.71%
  Blue Pill       14.29%
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If it were you...
11th Sep, 2005 - 12:52am / Post ID: #

In All Seriousness


In all seriousness, if it were you, would you have taken the red or blue pill. Keep in mind that you are answering as though you were Thomas Anderson suddenly yanked into this mysterious room by people with shades and trench coats not knowing if they are just mad, working for the mafia or an unknown cult.

In All Seriousness
In All Seriousness (Hover)

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Post Date: 11th Sep, 2005 - 7:12pm / Post ID: #

In All Seriousness
A Friend

Seriousness In


As much as I hate to say it, I'd probably take the blue pill.

Let's be reasonable: all of my searching (assuming I'm Thomas Anderson) has led to nothing but odd-suited folks chasing after me and trying to put odd things in my belly button.

Suffice to say, I doubt I'd be willing to give up my previously enjoyable existence for some "master haxor" who has a penchant for fashion.

I don't know, though: as much as Morpheus wants to "lead his witness" into taking the red pill - wisen up, would you as well? How about if you had a wife and kids to fend for (hypothetically, of course - I don't; neither does Neo), but seriously: Morpheus is just some guy urging you to take something because he swears he has something important to tell you. How much trust do you put into someone who has up until five minutes ago, been a total stranger and done nothing all that terribly impressive besides telling you to vacate an office building?

Let's get "real."
Blue Pill.

11th Sep, 2005 - 7:28pm / Post ID: #

In All Seriousness RPG Plugged Trilogy Matrix


I am with you on this one WD for the same reasons indicated, but one does have to wonder... what if you simply said, "I am not taking any pills", do you think they may have just you him go?

Post Date: 12th Sep, 2005 - 1:52pm / Post ID: #

In All Seriousness
A Friend

Seriousness In

Interesting to consider,

I guess refusing to take any pill would be equivalent to declaring neutrality in the whole machine v. human thing, and probably wouldn't be allowed. It's been a while since I've seen the film, but the two choices are basically "explore the rabbit hole" or "forget anything was said." I suppose refusal to take either pill would be met with a force-fed blue pill and a "We were wrong about you - Sorry" from Morpheus. What do you think?

12th Sep, 2005 - 2:03pm / Post ID: #

Seriousness In


...a force-fed blue pill and a "We were wrong about you - Sorry" from Morpheus. What do you think?

That sounds about right as I feel Neo could have eventually been taken over by the Agents and then he would have been killed anyway as Trinity showed us in the Animatrix.

15th Apr, 2006 - 5:18am / Post ID: #

In All Seriousness


It is difficult to understand what Thomas Anderson felt up to that moment where he had to make this decision. The perception I got was that he had been searching for something all his life that he knew not much about. Now, here is someone(s) who he knows about (from their hacking fame), offering him the answers to what he has been seeking. I think in that situation he has nothing to lose but to take the red pill. What good would taking the blue pill do? If he is wrong, the worst that could happen is he ends up dead, which I have to believe he contemplated more than once in his life.

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Post Date: 16th Apr, 2006 - 2:02am / Post ID: #

In All Seriousness
A Friend

In Seriousness

Ok, I don't believe either JB or Male would not take the red pill after having a bug sucked out of your belly button! I know I wouldn't! You make my mouth hole disappear, stick a bug in my belly button, then it gets sucked out, then I'm taking the special pill.

17th Oct, 2006 - 7:35am / Post ID: #

In Seriousness Matrix Trilogy Plugged RPG


I'm with you on this one, Konquererz. I would take the red pill because not knowing is the worse possible thing. Especially when Neo knew there was something more, just beyond his grasp.

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> TOPIC: In All Seriousness


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