Revival Introduction

Revival Introduction - Introductions, Member Sharing - Posted: 18th Nov, 2008 - 8:16pm

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Post Date: 17th Nov, 2008 - 8:08pm / Post ID: #

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Revival Introduction

I'm most interested in cultures and religions. This is why I joined this site. I believe in asking lots of questions and making points after gathering answers. Do not be angry with me for asking questions, I'm interested in learning although I may often not agree.

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Tenet: Pentecostal | Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG | Age: Not Given | Joined: Reg. 16th Nov, 2008 - 8:23pm
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Post Date: 17th Nov, 2008 - 8:10pm / Post ID: #

Introduction Revival

Welcome to this International Community!

Thanks for your Introduction. It is good that you were willing to join us here, we hope that you will become an ACTIVE vibrant constructive poster. You may like to take a minute to update your profile by clicking on 'My Controls' near the top right of this page and clicking on any 'Edit' link. Please do begin participating by sharing your views on the many Topics covered within this International Community.

If you ever have questions about features in the Community please do ask here, your Introduction Thread by pressing the [Reply] button.

FYI: Here are some quick links for you to look over when you have time:
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Post Date: 18th Nov, 2008 - 12:09am / Post ID: #

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Revival Introduction Sharing Member & Introductions

Hi Revival, and welcome to the forum!
I hope you enjoy your time here, and enjoy joining in and asking your's a good way to learn!
Hope you have fun, and see you around the forum. Best wishes, Diane.

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Post Date: 18th Nov, 2008 - 4:13am / Post ID: #

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Introduction Revival

Thank you. Asking questions is a good way to learn but it seems my asking seems to have angered some already. I was hoping for a more mature response given the rules of this site. This is why I said I ask questions but do not get angry. Instead of answering the question people getting angry does not solve anything.

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Tenet: Pentecostal | Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG | Age: Not Given | Joined: Reg. 16th Nov, 2008 - 8:23pm
Post Date: 18th Nov, 2008 - 6:00am / Post ID: #

Revival Introduction
A Friend

Introduction Revival

Asking questions is a good way to learn but it seems my asking seems to have angered some already.

No sunshine, you just ticked me off and not anyone else yet. I am not tremendously popular with many of my own here, but I do know what you are trying to do.

I just called you out. You started a conversation as if you knew nothing and then all of a sudden you knew something. In the future you should be more honest or more subtle about things. Your questions were answered and the term "casting pearls before swine" should be familiar to you. I assure you that I will not try to save your soul.

Let us cut to the chase. Start a real discussion unless you are scared.

Post Date: 18th Nov, 2008 - 9:47am / Post ID: #

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Revival Introduction

I am very interested in your point of view.

When I joined this sight a little over a year ago I saw some who would jump on every word or question I had and wanted to fight (verbally) over every issue. I admit I have had some heated discussions (mostly in the political boards). I realize now that I can discuss some very personal issues, knowing that everyone comes from a different perspective and most likely will not agree with me on most things.

How Boring would life be if we all agreed on all things?

But I encourage you to look at the different discussions, and participate with all gusto of your mind. I may disagree with you in some things, and I am sure that my own thoughts might rub you the wrong way, but have fun. Life is short and why can't we learn from each other. I have little doubt that you will enjoy the discussions. I hope to see you soon.

From 1 Corinthians 14:31

...that all may learn, and all may be comforted

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Tenet: LDS (Mormon) | Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG | Age: Fifty Something | Joined: Reg. 10th Jul, 2007 - 5:35pm
Signature: I know little, the more I learn, it seems I know even less.
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Post Date: 18th Nov, 2008 - 4:00pm / Post ID: #

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Revival Introduction

Greetings revival I hope you are enjoying it here. Do state your mind and be not afraid nor take offense at any response you get. Just try to figure where the other might be coming from and plod ever forward. I shall make a point on dropping by some threads that you have replied to to get to know you better.


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Tenet: Christian (secular) | Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG | Age: Sixty Something | Joined: Reg. 5th Jan, 2007 - 6:43pm
Signature: Stand up for God and he will stand up for you.
Post Date: 18th Nov, 2008 - 8:16pm / Post ID: #

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Revival Introduction Introductions & Member Sharing

No sunshine, you just ticked me off and not anyone else yet.

Then you have some kind of anger management problem. How can asking a question tick anyone off is just ridiculous.

How Boring would life be if we all agreed on all things?

Right you are about that and through questions we all learn by the answers.

Do state your mind and be not afraid nor take offense at any response you get.

I don't take offense. I'm used to people getting all emotional because you ask a question.

Contribution: | Credit: | Gender: Male | Politics:
Tenet: Pentecostal | Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG | Age: Not Given | Joined: Reg. 16th Nov, 2008 - 8:23pm
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