Science as a Way of Knowing
Issues Related to Philosophy
We need both: sound basic knowledge and the ability to discuss complex ideas that have a global impact.
Source: News from TPM Online
I think this is no surprise to any born before 1970 as I have watched generation after generation slip in basic skills we called the the 3 r's. Reading Riting and rithmetic. (reading writing and Arithmetic just so you know I can spell them.)
I am pounding Victorian education into my children and it is paying off they may be slow on something but the fully understand what they read. Just have to work on the memory. Sorry but I was told in my sons school they do not formally teach grammar! Now call me silly but how can a child answer a question in Science if they do not know how to write a proper sentence with adverbs adjectives prepositions and so on? They can not and it show in their speech as well.
So I say flog the education ministers and the school boards and town council for desiring to create more and more undereducated people.
Welcome to the new educational standards. If they can type on a keyboard and have spell check check for misspelled words then they are good to go. I think that many students nowadays do not get anywhere near the education we did when we were in elementary and middle schools. Once they get into high school they are so lost that I am not surprised to see the graduated percentage under 90%. We need to do something to change the way kids learn.
We need to bring back the three R's and therefore the science of knowing how to answer simple questions and be able to discuss it in a open forum.