Yes I will make sure we place the standard ration pack in there as well. Once we post this stuff we can get prices in the market I would think.
(I had to smile at the idea of stadard robotic design. I am a robotics technician by training but wandered from the field. A basic interface though yes one would need to program chips. Would you believe FORTRAN and cobalt and ladder diagrams are still common place? Assembler languages still rule the day so often.)
OOC: That doesn't surprise me that much. Although I would be curious to see the schematics of the Osimo Robot. I did a little motor-control in my youth, when it comes to remote control the principles are somewhat similar I imagine.
I just tried to imagine what a Geneticist or Robotocist could utilize in the field from a kit that could be transported in a back pack or carrying bag. If one has a vehicle to set up their equipment in, then everything changes, since you could have a mobile lab or engineering bay.
Cool it is interesting to play with but some places are pretty nastey when it come to being the repair man.
So maybe we are better to break out to a set of sockets a set of screw drivers. I will work on that a bit. I kinda imagined scouting for what you need then ripping out a small torch set is light enough to carry me thinks.
I think all the repair kits should include your basic tools like a screwdriver set (you know those you can interchange the heads) a spanner (Crescent wrench), Pliers, channel locks, socket set, needle nose pliers, Small torch (can be handheld I have one), Heck even buying or carrying a multi tool like a leatherman or gerber. I think these would help a lot. Plus a combination wrench. Like some of those one size fits all. I believe we can make some basic kits.
Basic mechanics set
- All screw drives - hacksaw - hammer claw and ball peen - std wrenches/sockets with drivers and extensions - 3 foot pry bar and gear/flywheel pullers. Approx 500 pieces in a 4 by 3 by 2 foot cabinet.
General purpose field tool set
Mulit tipped screw driver, lineman pliers needle nose pliers med size locking clamps, adjustable wrench, allen keys, channel locks, hammer, with tool belt or small carry case.
Welding set
- various tips and rods along with full sized two tanks and required hardware and full welders mask.
Mini Welding set
-various tips, 10 rods, mini tanks set, goggles 3 clamps.
Electronic tools
- soldering gun hot and cold. Solder various common electronic parts such as resistors op amps small dc server motors, oscilloscope, multimeter.
Feild set Electronics
High end multimeter with small lcd screen for checking wave forms (including lem flex for current probes). With tool belt. Propane soldering iron with solder and flux.
Professional Dissecting Kit
PLAC - Portable Laboratory Analysis Computer with LCD and Holographic Display
Contains Programs like a Biopolymer Calculator and Synthetic Gene Designer and can be used to analyze biological or geological samples depending on what is programmed for.
Portable Laboratory Kit
Small cooling unit, Small Micro-wave chamber, Test tubes, Petri-Dishes, Latex Gloves, Sterilizers, Syringes, Saline Solution
Robotic Mechanical Kit
Small Screwdriver 16 piece set, 40W Desoldering/Soldering Tool, Digital Multi-Meter, Basic Tool set, Wire Crimper, Wire Strippers and Cutters, Heat Sink Thermal Compound and basic robotic parts such as relays, resisters, etc...
Standard Lap Top with LCD and Holographic Display.
Program: Robotic Schematic Design
Ok I think that covers what we mentioned take a look then we will post it I am sure if we think of more we could add it.
All that sound good. I think with some of these tools we can and will be able to repair and bring together more stuff to get some of the heaps going and us an better ship or transport. We should add a general tool kit for electronics. Something that could come useful in a multi range of repairs. Such as engine room, flight deck, main computers and other things we may come across.
General purpose field tool set
Mulit tipped screw driver, lineman pliers needle nose pliers med size locking clamps, adjustable wrench, allen keys, channel locks, hammer, with tool belt or small carry case.
I will grab this one. Should be able to rip out what we need with it the torches are very pricy.
Let me know what else we need to do then klar or I can post it soon.