Pocketing the card they agree to meet and give assurance that they will be on time. They finish their drinks and head for some sleep.
They head to the appointed place and show up 20 minutes early to be safe.
Both will ensure their weapons are at the ready and will try to avoid any interaction with others. If they can wait in a spot that is hidden they will till the others show up.
Weir will pay for the room.
Weir asks the keeper if he knows the area of the address that they were given by the thugs. If the keeper hesitates he will offer 10% more for the information and a map.
With not more then a bit of anxiety they take their rest then leave extra early to ensure they reach the appointed place in time to meet the group they met in the bar.
Once things look shady they will ensure their weapons are at very easy access to get to while some what concealed.
Once they reach the appointed place they will wait were they can not be easily scene.
While traveling they will be trying to stay some what unconsciousness.
Weir place the air of being calm and just a curious engineer.
Then he replies "Like my friend said it is a good thing then that we do not carry such items. May I ask if your boss is going to mind our visiting the island?"