Accepting what might come as part of the journey they head with no qualms with the men to meet their boss. Listening closely to any conversations they can along the route n hopes of gaining knowledge of who they are with and what fate might lie ahead.
JB, do you think its possible you can tell us where Pundit and Blade are located in the story?
We are going to use some of the money we have to get some rich looking clothes. I don't know what the cost is so you'll have to let us know. We want to go in the bar looking like we're super fly. Hopefully this will give us some contacts to get to the island.
Alright we buy it and then look for some hookers to just accompany us to the bar and act like we're real rich to attract the attention of the guys. We will then go to the bar at night and try and get some info. Maybe ask the hookers too if they know anything.
We give them the money and go to the bar to see if we can influence someone to get us to the island.