We're going to tell the hookers our plan and ask them to act the part of pretending like we have money and maybe they can circle the table of the guys were after at the bar. We will walk in the bar dressed with our new clothes, order expensive drinks and look at how everything is for now.
Pundit is going over to the bar to order drinks, see if the bartender is into the hookers and then ask him what he knows about the Island.
Blade will saty with the hookers and ask them what they know about the Island.
Since we know where the guys are we'll send one of the hookers over there to say we want to see one of them to discuss business.
We'll try to act like money is no problem and ask them if they want a drink and sit to discuss some business. Then we will say that we heard they can get us to the island where we could invest some money in a project.
We'll ask the guy in what way we can invest money and probably make a joke about something he might like to have. We'll ask him for the co-ordinates to the island and then ask the girls with us if they know where that is.
We're like going to ask the girls to keep the guys busy while we ask the barman to tell us where the coordinates lead to and where we can get a boat to there.
We'll give the hookers the money that will come from Pundit. We'll look for a place to stay tonight. Maybe we can like ask the bar guy for that. In the morning we'll want to go to the docks to arrange transport.