Are Gays Taboo For You? - Page 2 of 3

That was well put there Vincento. I agree - Page 2 - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 19th Dec, 2008 - 3:57pm

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Post Date: 18th Dec, 2008 - 12:42pm / Post ID: #

Are Gays Taboo For You?
A Friend

Are Gays Taboo For You? - Page 2

too will have to disagree with you on total acceptance. I do not feel that we should change our laws just to make the gay man or gay woman happy. We do accept them and how they live we just do not have to agree with it. That does not mean that we are going out of our way to bash them or put them down.

Well, you're very polite about it but in fact you are putting them down. You ascribe to a gay man or a gay woman less value than you do a straight man or a straight woman. You do this when you decide their relationships should have less status than yours simply because their sexuality is different to yours. Specifically banning gay civil partnerships is about prejudice and nothing else. I know you're not beating gay men and women as they walk down the street but you still want to keep them in a box labelled "other" or "abnormal" and therefore justify a societal position against them.

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18th Dec, 2008 - 2:15pm / Post ID: #

You Taboo Gays Are

xander you are correct if one sees soemthing that they do not accept it does place it second to the compared item. I know this is hard for many to accept as they are not bad people but if your personal beliefs are such that homosexual is wrong then it has to be this way.

If you live in a country that was founded on these beliefs then is right to ask the rest of the country to change to accept you? These are very harsh and emotional answers that will come to that question. I think the answer lies in this do we accept all behaviors and denounce none or do we set a mark and adhere to it.

Sexuality is one item that the mark has hit almost rock bottom. Nudity sexual depiction in cartoons and prime time TV. One notch at a time it falls.

Perhaps it is time to found a new country once more based on principals of Christianity and this time hold the bar high and solid. As North American countries are not of this mind set any more. As such then let all relations have their due. Who knows perhaps one day a man and his ewe will be accepted to.

One thing I look forward to is seeing gay couples wiggle and squiggle under the divorce laws like the rest.

Xander if we are boxing and labeling gay civil relations then I guess Gays are labeling and boxing all who have moral values that say it is unacceptable, while living is what was to be a christian based country. Sorry I scratch my head trying to figure out why a nation is expected to change its value system based on the actions of a few. Do not get me wrong we have changed our actions for other religions as well. I think our leaders need to have a long sit down and decide one simple thing. Is the country to be christian based or have no platform at all beside freewill to all.

If freewill to all is the base chosen then give all gays couple equal rights and responsibilities and be done. It also means any religious sect can wear religious garb and break dress codes for any organized group or law enforcement agency.

If they chose to stay on a christian base then have the decency to stand up and say no to any relation that is against the biblical values. It would also mean enforcing dress codes for law enforcement agencies ect. It would also mean telling other religious sectors to stop complaining and practice their beliefs in the privacy of their homes and not in government operation businesses or policies.

I think as long as we stagger between the two no one will be content. I also accept that I will live n a society that will accept many thing I feel are not acceptable behavior as being descent. I am wiling to live with that and not complain after all that is my duty. It is also my duty to what I know is right and not to let another stop that and to treat them as I would my self. I do try to do that for the most part I do ok. Sorry about being long winded but short answers some times do not covey all that is required. I make mistake and have short comings so I constantly ask for forgiveness and I forgive those around me for theirs.

Post Date: 18th Dec, 2008 - 7:45pm / Post ID: #

Are Gays Taboo For You?
A Friend

Are Gays Taboo For You? Health & Special Psychology

The "slippery slope" argument is based on fear and I see this in your argument. So allowing two men who love each other to marry will lead to a man and his ewe? In my opinion, this is not clear thinking Krakyn. It does not logically follow that allowing gay men and women to marry will lead to this. In deed, I don't believe any change of any law will lead to this.

You are concerned, I think, by the more liberal views of sexuality being expressed both within heterosexual and homosexual worlds. And I think you have a point. Whilst I do not agree with legal statutes limiting ones sexual behaviour or the legality of pornography or what have you I do see a kind of "cheapness" entering the arena of sex that in more conservative times may not have existed. Having said that of course, prostitution is called the "oldest profession" for a reason but I do understand where you are coming from.

However, this does not apply to the state sanctioning civil unions. You confuse homosexual sex with gay men and women in a relationship. Romantic love includes sex of course, however, if the idea of "two men" appals you then it is blinding you to the greater more concerning issue of "two men in love" who want to live alife together.

One thing I look forward to is seeing gay couples wiggle and squiggle under the divorce laws like the rest.


Xander if we are boxing and labeling gay civil relations then I guess Gays are labeling and boxing all who have moral values that say it is unacceptable, while living is what was to be a christian based country. Sorry I scratch my head trying to figure out why a nation is expected to change its value system based on the actions of a few. 

You mean the same value system that didn't just tolerate but openly accepted slavery? Is this the value system that lead to witch trials? Things change, nations change. Thank God we don't all live our lives in the way our nations were founded.

And if we are getting in to the founding of America, wasn't its government set up to deliberately keep the government out of religion and the religion out of government? How will this actual change with STATE sanctioned civil unions?

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18th Dec, 2008 - 9:17pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 You Taboo Gays Are

I think really the bottom point might be this; love to me is reserved for man and woman as far as an intimate relationship goes. Thus a friendship can exist between men and between women a very deep friendship. The relationship between man and wife is a few steps deeper in my opinion then that of the other.

The importance of this idea is that it means any relation outside of that is based on a friendship and lust. I realize many heterosexual relations are the same, which is unfortunate.

Homosexuals do not appall me I feel sorrowful for them if anything. Slavery is a huge black spot on every culture in the world and I think is the reward of greed and being power hungry. Yes unfortunately Christianity has been hugely warped by many in powerful places and turned into a religion used for personal gain.

My point on the porn is it has cheapened the tradition role of sexuality between spouses and as it is cheapened and people buy into it due to en mass programing by media. It allows the media to start into the next layer of deprivation, if that continue at what point does it stop?

I think you are correct also that I am concerned by the more liberal point of view on the two worlds living in harmony. I am thus in conflict knowing that free choice must be given to all also. Perhaps it is the repercussion of this conflict that is limiting my ability to like and dislike what I believe to be right and wrong with out persecution. The same persecution that the one struggling to gain freedom have been facing for years.

It may sound strange but true I think the best example is just saying Merry Christmas to a friend and another over hears and objects. If this occurs in a work place I can be brought up on harassment charges. Strange and bewildering but true.

So maybe you are right there is some fear that pushes me to feel this way, the fear of losing my right to my choice of life style, even though I have hurt no one.

Post Date: 19th Dec, 2008 - 11:09am / Post ID: #

Are Gays Taboo For You?
A Friend

You Taboo Gays Are

I think really the bottom point might be this; love to me is reserved for man and woman as far as an intimate relationship goes

But not for others Krakyn thats the point. If I am a gay man I fall in love with other men; if I am a straight man I fall in love with women-thats life.

The importance of this idea is that it means any relation outside of that is based on a friendship and lust

Lust as in sexual attraction? Everyone in a romantic relationship has lust for their partner otherwise they'd just be friends. Given your Christian take on this I would imagine you mean lust as in "sex that does not lead to reproduction" which is a judgement call on your part but not something a government should legislate about.

Homosexuals do not appall me I feel sorrowful for them if anything.

Gay men and gay women do not need or want your sorrow or pity. They want equality and if you would deny them this then, to be blunt, any sorrow you feel isn't going to do them one bit of good.

My point on the porn is it has cheapened the tradition role of sexuality between spouses and as it is cheapened and people buy into it due to en mass programing by media. It allows the media to start into the next layer of deprivation, if that continue at what point does it stop?

But how is this connected to gay marriage? I can agree that porn can have adverse effects but I feel you are continuing to confuse yourself by putting a gay relationship on a par with pornography. You insist that heterosexual marriage should have a higher calling than porn or indeed casual sex but hold gay marriage at the same level as porn? This is odd. Why don't you think a gay couple can be as committed as a straight one.

So maybe you are right there is some fear that pushes me to feel this way, the fear of losing my right to my choice of life style, even though I have hurt no one.

And yet you are willing to do the same to gay people?

19th Dec, 2008 - 1:42pm / Post ID: #

Are Gays Taboo For You?

Actually, the slippery slope notion is quiet legitimate. Time and time again, our countries have slowly loosened laws and morales around a great many things and each time the boundaries of what is allowed get stretched. Some might call this evolving and others might look at it is a degradation of society at large.

Look at the Top TV Shows through the years...

Source 6

Take a look at what we used to find popular. To think...Marcus Welby MD (1970) was cutting edge because it broke down boundaries for us to talk about things we never talked about before and now got to see it on TV.


Wikipedia on Marcus Welby MD (top show 1970)
Its intelligent handling of many varied medical cases - some common, some uncommon - made it an instant hit for ABC. Story lines included impotence, depression, brain damage, breast cancer, mononucleosis, venereal disease, epilepsy, leukemia, dysautonomia, rape, and addiction to painkillers, among others. At its second season (1970-1971), it ranked #1 in the Nielsen Ratings, becoming the first ABC show to top the list. The same year, both Young and Brolin won Emmy Awards for their work, as did the show for Outstanding Dramatic Series. Young won a Golden Globe in 1972 for his performance.

The show found itself the center of protests and controversy (including an office sit-in by gay activists) when a leaked script about a homosexual teacher molesting a student was considered to conflate homosexuality with child molestation. The network yielded, and pledged to be more sensitive in the future, and the momentum from the incident helped lead to the later formation of the gay media watchdog group GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation).

Put a show like Marcus Welby MD on today and their likely would be a shift in the magnetism of the planet with all the clicking of the remote controls. However, it did open windows for us to talk more about things...good or bad. It is interesting that this all starts with the "sexual revolution" and "free love" of the late 60's or you might call it a loosening of our inhibitions and morales...either way. Basically, it was the liberal movement sprouting roots and taking hold.

Look a few years after that and we are treated to "All in the Family" which was even more cutting edge, then Dallas and Dynasty (societies elites have wicked desires too), Roseanne (you get to watch a dysfunctional from all aspects in action), ER (you can have sex in the workplace and be a professional...dont despair), NYPD (got to see a naked guys butt for the first time on TV), Will and Grace (being gay is not only cool it is Flamboyant), Sex in the City, Desperate Housewives...

Honestly, we should just have called her Roseanne MD. Look at all the taboo subject she tore down with her special style...

poverty, alcoholism, drug use, sex, menstruation, teenage pregnancy, masturbation, obesity, reproductive freedom, race, class identity, domestic violence and homosexuality time stuff there! Oh...and Roseanne was not quite as dainty around the subjects as Dr Welby was that is for sure! I have a feeling Dr Welby would turn a beet red with Roseanne's special remedying of situations.

Just try to imagine that it was 1950 and a family was sitting down to watch one of the popular variety shows and on come a episode of "Sex in the City", "Will and Grace" or how about that first naked butt on NYPD. Think there might be some upset parents? Kids maybe ending up with their eyes covered and quickly sent to bed? We really arent that far away in the grander scheme of time and look how much we have changed...and the change doesnt seem to be stopping! In 10 more years, what "taboo" subjects will our television be tackling for us?

Pornography has existed for nearly as long as TV. There have always been stag films, but there prominense was never as big in society as porn has gotten with the internet. Today, with the mere click of this mouse, I can be transported to sites and witness acts (live if you like) of bondage, scat, rape, bestiality, urination, homosexuality, lesbianism, dominance, S&M, degradation, masterbation, orgies, etc... Any fetish we can think of...there will be a site shortly to follow. Today, our porn industries make the 'stag' films of the past look like "how to films from those that dont know how". Is this better? Are we better off for this advance? Is it evolution or is it the "slippery slope". What will the next advance be...because it doesnt seem to be stopping?

For most of the heterosexual world that is over 40, we have seen the movement from its early stages. First it was recognition and that was achieved. Then the goal was acceptance and that has been somewhat achieved as it can openly be talked about much more than in years past and we see it all the time now on TV. Then the goal was safety in the workplace and diversity movements in corporations has done a lot for that as I can definitely see it where I work. Now the goal seems to be equality but with a twist and here is where some of us in the heterosexual world start to draw lines.

It seems to me that not only is it a goal of equality in marriage, but yet what is desired is a capitulation by the heterosexuals that not only is it legal, but we see absolutely nothing wrong with it. Heck, we should want our children to have a similar life. Not only dont we object to the unions...we have to think it is great too. It is kind of like the homosexual community saying that you have to respect and like our feelings for each other as well as legally grant us this union. It doesnt seem to be enough for us to say...fine...get married or united...I dont agree with how you are conducting your life, but I am not going to stop you. Live on. And before you tell me how wrong I am, this is my perception. I am entitled to it and it is your job to change it and just not tell me it is wrong. I always wonder if this is the final goal. I cannot help but imagine once this goal is conquered, the next will be to force churches to grant gay marriages. I mean it is discrimination isnt it? Am I supposed to hope to have children that grow up to be homosexual? If I reach that point, am I then enlightened?

Think that is stretching it a bit? In 1950, tell a average white man that in 60 years there will be a black president of the United States. Can you imagine that today there are actually debates about partial birth abortions! Do you think that if we had broached the subject with Roe V Wade that both parties wouldnt be sickened? This was not what they had in mind, but we have EVOLVED havent we? How on earth is someone seriously suing McDonalds for making them fat? In 1950, try bringing a lawsuit like that to court and see what would have happened. However, today, it is a legitimate case....just as legitimate as the "slippery slope".

Homosexuals or Gays taboo for me? Nope. Like many here, I have friends that are gay. I have a gay couple that are friends and have several other gay acquaintances. Are they my best friends? No, but I only have like 2 really close friends, so the club is small. However, they are on the next tier. If you had asked me 30 years ago, if I would have any gay friends and the answer would have been a resounding 'NO'. Things do change...

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19th Dec, 2008 - 3:55pm / Post ID: #

Are Gays Taboo You - Page 2

Xander that is just it if I stand on Christian principals I do not hate the person who is homosexual but I do not have to accept the act as being correct. This comes back to the point I pushed earlier this country I am in has to decide if they are letting all be equal fine. Then I need to decide where do I stand and decide to live.

I can not remember not knowing some one or at least one couple that is homosexual through most of my life. The direct relation you miss that I mention the connection between porn, homosexuality is they are both sexual perversions that if committed I believe they are sin. Thus yes they are on the same level. This is not to say the reason behind both are the same just the end outcome stops at the same station. I have indulge in porn in my past and that made me no worse then any homosexual as far as I am concerned but the difference is I am keeping it to the past.

To be honest I would like to see that if a group of people are living together that they could pay extra fees the same as a family would to share their health benefits. The reality is it is not there, I see no reason that a group living together should have to be married to get that privilege at the same price as a family. The benefits shared to me is a different issue then being a couple. Codependency is a big factor to me that needs to addressed regardless of the type of relationship (just friendship or romantic) it is.

Lust to me is sinful sex not the inability to create children. It is also the reason behind it, so yes I guess I fight with the concept that the love of homosexuals is the same, sorry but really that has to be it. Welcome to my self awareness trip via xander.

Yes I do think heterosexual marriage that dwells in Godliness has a higher calling, above the laws of man and provides a deeper connection then a marriage or union outside his realm. I also think many who go to church are not practicing Godly values or lifestyle and miss out as well. Not that they could not change that if they chose to.

Like I have said before even in heterosexual relations I see lust based relationships so there in lies the paradox why should they get the benefit that you do not. So I guess if they can get what the desire good for them but please stay off my toes in the process. Is the bottom line for me.

My relationship in marriage is not different by my choice but Gods is the bottom line to me. Mans laws is outside of that and can be changed to reflect what you are saying but to me it should not be changed just for the benefit of homosexuals it should be changed to benefit all who have a codependency on another or a group that has a codependency. Thus not a marriage issue.

xanser I am very much glad we are having this discussion as you are very easy to communicate with and I am seeing this in a different light then before though not completely over to you view but a changed view the same.

Post Date: 19th Dec, 2008 - 3:57pm / Post ID: #

Are Gays Taboo For You?
A Friend

Are Gays Taboo You Psychology Special & Health - Page 2

That was well put there Vincento. I agree with you that the slippery slope has over time made it wrong if one speaks out against someone being different. Well I am one who is not sorry and I will go to my grave being not sorry for some of the things I believe in.

I believe in Christmas and the season. It is christmas break not the winter break or the just the holiday season. I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman as the bible tells me. IF gays want a civil union that is fine but it is not a marriage. I believe that I have the right to support my military without some protestor telling me the war is wrong. I believe that abortion is illegal in many cases and thos getting them are taking away a life.

I fell that every one of us has the right to believe as we see fit. That is the great thing about being human. We can think and we can think for ourselves if we choose. I do not need some person telling me that what I believe is wrong. IF you believe something I will not tell you you are wrong unless you ask me for my opinion. Then it is only an opinion and not something that you have to listen too or have to change yourself to make me happy.

I think this world would be a lot happier place if people would just get along and not try to force their pet agenda on others.

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