Yes of course, but my point is that you need a door with a boarder for it to work. If your door way is flush then how will it work? There used to be a bar version that worked on tension between the doorway's frame.
If you have a doorway that is flush I am sure you can modify it in a way that will allow you to use this gym. You may want to check to make sure the modification will not get you kicked out of your apartment if renting. I am sure it will come with instructions on how to make it work for most doorways. I will have to look at one and see how hard it would be to modify the equipment or the door.
I do not like how they show how to do crunches or sit ups. Placing your hands behind your head can lead to neck injuries and is not a correct way to do them. Modifying a doorway would not be hard to do to make this work looking at the video. It just needs a small board to hook to. Most doorways have trim boards. If you have a flush doorway like I have in most of my interior rooms you can add a short 1X4 about 2 feet in length at the top edge of your door. There is a header behind the plaster to nail this board in place. Now you can use this iron gym. When your ready to move taking the board down and using spackle will fix and holes in the wall.
klar is right on the 2x4 but do be sure to use screw nails for better stability and removability then repairs at end will be easy.
I thought It would be nice also then I though why not just make my own. Look in junk at garbage day and find a straight bar or cut down a 2x4 then put is block in doorway to rest it on and remove when done.
I will want this mostly for the chin ups and the push up exercises because you can place your feet up and go further. Modifications will not work in a rented place, hence I doubt this will work for me. Besides if I had to modify something I bought then I would go with something different.