If a kid misbehaves in public then onlookers are quick to say something like,
"That kid is too spoiled!"
Do you think it is possible for a kid to be too spoiled by his parents or do most people just misinterpret the method of free agency and expression the parents are probably using to help the kid evolve?
I think there is a difference between spoiling your child and disciplining them. I spoil my kids, because I buy them non-essential things and overly cater to them. But I do also discipline them so they know right from wrong and acceptable forms of behavior. I probably would not remark "That kid is to spoiled". Instead I would say "That kid needs some discipline"
I do also discipline them so they know right from wrong and acceptable forms of behavior. I probably would not remark "That kid is to spoiled". Instead I would say "That kid needs some discipline" |
I do not think you can 'spoil' your child but you can be weak on disciplining him/her when it is necessary, specially when they are young. I was talking with my grandmom on the phone and she was saying that it is common and okay to give all you can to your children when they are small because it has a great impact on them and their childhood (and this is so true! it happened to me!) but when they get older they need to learn that they will not always have what they want and they need to work towards getting it.
Oh, boy, this is a difficult topic for me right now, because my folks and I are having... let's say a disagreement... about my daughter. She doesn't need to have everything she wants. She *shouldn't* have everything she wants just because she wants it, and certainly not right at the exact moment she's expressing the want. They are creating a monster, and I'm losing ground.
On the one hand, she does respect my authority, still, but just barely; on the other hand, not my folks'! I have to really crack down on her attitude and her behavior, but my parents just let her do whatever she wants. It is making me crazy. She's only 7 years old, and I'm telling you she's going to be a nightmare at 10 if this doesn't stop.
When I think of the years I suffered with beatings and being grounded and never had anything at all... the way my parents are acting now, they are like strangers. "Oh, no! We can't spank her!" Huh?? I think I still have bruises from my last encounter with a wooden spoon when I was 11... Don't tell me you don't know how.
An ongoing "discussion" we're working on. Let's hope my daughter is not totally ruined before we're done.
Yes oh my god yes it is possible to spoil your child. My cousin is a perfect example of that, her parents give her anything and everything she wants when she wants it, as a result she is a complete brat. When she doesn't get what she wants from anything for anything she starts crying till she gets what she wants....it's really sickening