Now we have 2gp 102 here we go.
102 Bartolo heartily slaps you on the back as you bring him his mug of ale. He drains the mug in short order and wipes the foam from his mouth with the back of his hand, a contented smile now fixed firmly on his face. "I wish you the best of luck," he says. "Saul won't know what hit him." You say goodbye to Bartolo, pleased to find that at least some of your troops remained loyal. Restore 1 Luck point. Now if you want to talk to the bearded man, turn to 215. If you would rather talk to the barmaid, turn to 71. On the other hand, if you have a lead you want to follow up, turn to the appropriate section. |
It just so happens that I was meant to meet someone tonight. One of the lieutenants in the army. He's staying behind a day. Goes by the name of Caius." Your blood quickens at the mention of this name. Caius was one of the ones present at your crucifixion. You never liked the man - a braggart who declared much and accomplished little. The wench gives you directions to the house Caius is staying in. |
34 You wait until the time the serving girl had arranged to meet Caius and set off through the now darkened streets of Fenmarge. Several eyes stare at you from the gloom, but none of their nefarious owners try anything. They know better than to mess with someone of your obvious prowess. Finally you reach a sleepy little house at the outskirts of town - Caius' house. You could boldly knock on the front door (turn to 359) or you could try to sneak in through an open window at the back of the house (turn to 378). |