Terrorism In France - Page 5 of 13

When I learned about the coordinated attack - Page 5 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 15th Nov, 2015 - 1:00am

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Terrorism In France Related Information to Terrorism In France
14th Nov, 2015 - 1:08am / Post ID: #

Terrorism In France - Page 5

The world is not safe anymore. Anyone with no humanity and a gun can kill dozens as he chooses. France is going to become a different nation after today, there will be zero toleration and their military will come out of hiding.

international QUOTE
As many as 118 people have been killed in the attacks in Paris, Deputy Mayor Patrick Klugman says.

CNN affiliate BFMTV reports that SWAT units stormed a concert hall where hostages were being held. Two attackers were killed, a police union said. Police brought out at least 100 hostages, a CNN producer said; some appear to have been wounded. The interior ministry said at least 112 people died there. Ref. CNN

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3244 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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Post Date: 14th Nov, 2015 - 10:43am / Post ID: #

France Terrorism

French President Francois Hollande said Islamic State militants were responsible for the horrific attacks in Paris that left more than 120 people dead, in a press conference Saturday. He said the attacks were an "Act of war" And promised to be "Merciless" In response. Ref. USAToday

14th Nov, 2015 - 11:23am / Post ID: #

Terrorism In France History & Civil Business Politics

This was a highly co-originated attack hitting various areas of the country where people congregate so as to inflict the most fear possible.

international QUOTE
Dozens of people are reported dead after a series of what appear to be coordinated attacks across Paris late Friday. A hostage situation also took place at a concert hall. Here's what we know at this hour:

Multiple attacks:
-There were at least six shootings in Paris and three explosions at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis late Friday, CNN affiliate BFMTV said. Two or three gunmen entered the Bataclan concert hall while opening fire on law enforcement, BFMTV reported. A source earlier told CNN there were six to eight hostage takers, citing a person they were talking to inside the venue.

-French radio reporter Julien Pearce was inside the Bataclan theater when gunmen entered. Two men dressed in black started shooting what he described as AK-47s, and after wounded people fell to the floor, the two gunmen shot them again, execution-style, he said. The two men didn't wear masks and didn't say anything. The gunfire lasted 10 to 15 minutes, sending the crowd inside the small concert hall into a screaming panic, said Pearce, who escaped. He said he saw 20 to 25 bodies lying on the floor.

-Several groups of police have burst into the Bataclan concert venue and a series of denotations have been heard from outside, a CNN producer said. Gunfire has been heard. Police have brought out at least 100 hostages; some appear to be wounded.

-One of the explosions at the Stade de France outside Paris appears to be a suicide bombing, a Western intelligence source receiving direct intelligence from the scene told CNN's Deb Feyerick. A dismembered body, consistent with the aftermath of an explosion from that type of device, was found at the scene, the source said. French President Francois Hollande, who was at the stadium watching a soccer match between France and Germany, was evacuated at halftime.

Mass transit:
-Traffic on several subway lines has been interrupted following the attacks, the Paris police prefecture reported.

-Hollande, in an address to the nation, said he had declared a state of emergency, meaning borders will be closed. "We have to show compassion and solidarity and we also have to show unity and keep our cool. France must be strong and great," He said.

-The Paris prefecture of police is instructing residents to stay home. The prefecture said via Twitter that people should stay inside "Unless there's an absolute necessity."

-"This is an attack not just on Paris, not just on the people of France, but an attack on all humanity and the universal values we share," U.S. President Barack Obama said at the White House. He called the attacks an "Outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians."

French authorities have launched a terrorism investigation, Eric Pelletier, a reporter with Le Pariesien, tells Ref. CNN

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3244 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

14th Nov, 2015 - 2:27pm / Post ID: #

Page 5 France Terrorism

This is a good example of why America takes the proactive measures it does because if you take a mild approach to terrorism then the terrorists take full advantage. Act before being acted upon.

International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 67 ActivistPoliticianJunior Politician 6.7%

14th Nov, 2015 - 4:25pm / Post ID: #

France Terrorism

The death toll from these attacks rose to 150. Besides this being terrible for the country I'm concerned that those who are living hoestly as Muslims or Arabs are going to pay a heavy price. During these times people do a lot of racial profiling.

International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 54 ActivistPoliticianSpecialist 5.4%

Post Date: 14th Nov, 2015 - 7:48pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Terrorism In France

One of the terrorists in Friday's Paris attacks has been identified as a 30-year-old French national from a Paris suburb, Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said. The individual had a criminal history, and was identified as having been radicalized in 2010 but had never been accused of terrorism, he said.

The prosecutor said there were likely three teams of terrorists involved in the attacks. Seven terrorists were killed, he said.

Belgian authorities have detained three people; one is believed to have hired vehicles used in the attacks.

Molins said the number of people killed stands at 129 with 352 people injured -- at least 99 seriously.

Details about the victims are beginning to come in. An American student from California State University, Long Beach was among those killed. Nohemi Gonzalez, 20, was a junior studying design, according to a statement the university sent to CNN.

The Belgian Foreign Ministry has said at least two Belgians were among the dead. Ref. CNN

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14th Nov, 2015 - 11:53pm / Post ID: #

Terrorism France - Page 5

In one of the attacks they did it like a drive by shooting starting first with a restaurant a diner and what looked like an outside eating area somewhere in Paris. This is what some of the eye witnesses said in the news. This was definitely to instill terror and to make the French people not want to come outside again. Terrible for the French people, I hope they can get over this soon and return back to normal.

International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 15 ActivistPoliticianNew Activist 1.5%

15th Nov, 2015 - 1:00am / Post ID: #

Terrorism France Politics Business Civil & History - Page 5

When I learned about the coordinated attack the first thing that sprung in my mind was where was the intelligence? They had something like this happen before just not on as big a scale, surely they would have put things in place for it by now.

International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 18 ActivistPoliticianNew Activist 1.8%

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