That Thomas is a most disturbing thought! No wonder people pack on the fat after a steady diet of Big Macs. Neither looks like there is enough to even keep ones belly content between meals.
They might though I think the people running this are third party so as to keep the testing more honest.
Perhaps you should not it next time you visit each place. They should have the dietary information posted some where.
Though would you really want any one reading the unconditional facts about either of these two "Meals". Shivers at calling either a real meal.
To tell you the truth I would rather grill my own burgers on a grill than eat either one of these two fat ladened sandwiches. While I like the taste of the Whopper the best I would rather not eat either. The reason I stopped and ate these was because they were free and free food is hard to find nowadays.
*chuckles* I guess if one is truly stuck with no choice, then the whopper it would seem is the lesser of two evils. I can appreciate that and keep it in mind if I am truly ever stuck for a meal.
Both sandwiches are high in calories and low in health appeal. To answer your curiosity the Big Mac weighs in at 560 calories while the Whopper wins the fat race with 670 calories. Of course all of that extra fat is in the mayonnaise. Order your Whopper sans mayo and you only get 520 calories. That is still a hefty percentage of your daily caloric intake. I would much rather fill up on healthier fare.
But, for the purpose of this taste test I still go with the Whopper - at least you are aware of eating some fresh veggies on it. *rolls her eyes & shrugs*
Donald I would be most grateful to take up that offer in say about an hour. Just need to get a few items that I came for.
looking to the lovely lady beside him.
Rhiana I would be most honored if you could find it in you heart to join us.
As an after thought he adds.
Mariah you also would most certainly be welcome to join as well.