This is not a fantasy like a lot of people claim it to be. Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. They were chemical weapons that he used on the Kurds in northern Iraq. We destroyed a lot of these chemical plants back in 1991 with the first gulf war. So anyone who says that Saddam did not have weapons of mass destruction are plain wrong. Part of the suffering I go through on a daily basis is in part due to the chemicals from those blown up factories being in my body and in the bodies of many gulf war vets.
Once Behind-the-Scenes, Cheney Grabs Public Spotlight to Defend Torture Under His Watch
Known for his rare public appearances while in office, former Vice President Dick Cheney has taken to the airwaves in recent months to defend the Bush administration's torture of foreign prisoners. Earlier this week, Cheney denied that the enhanced interrogation techniques amounted to torture and insisted that they produced actionable intelligence. He also suggested that he could be willing to testify under oath in Congress. Ref. Source 1
VP Cheney on Gay Marriage
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 10:35 AM
To set the record the National Press Club lunch (and as I recall) VP Cheney did NOT say he was in favor of gay marriage but rather opposed to a federal statute authorizing it. He went on to say at the lunch that he thought the question of gay marriage a matter for the states to decide. This is why I went one step further in our interview with the former VP that happened right after the lunch and asked his view on gay marriage (not on who should or should not pass laws about it). [...] Ref. Source 6
Cheney Is Linked to Concealment of C.I.A. Project
The Central Intelligence Agency withheld information about a secret counterterrorism program from Congress for eight years on direct orders from former Vice President Dick Cheney, the agency's director, Leon E. Panetta, has told the Senate and House intelligence committees, two people with direct knowledge of the matter said Saturday. Ref. Source 4
Cheney Sweats Out the Summer
By Ray McGovern
So far the summer has been mild in the Washington, D.C., area. But for former Vice President Dick Cheney the temperature is well over 100 degrees. He is sweating profusely, and it is becoming increasingly clear why. Source 6