First off, I think its important to clarify my position. I am not a Christian in the sense that I believe that the Bible is inerrant or that I believe without reservation miracle stories within it, however, having been raised a Catholic I can see its value and I understand why it is important to people.
Really, I have placed this question here because I am curious of the truly religious' opinion.
We're all aware of Isreal's recent attacks on Gaza and that its creation in 1948 was controversial.
Is Israel justified in its current actions because it is "God's country." Was its creation required because of its Biblical history? Do Christians think God is still moving Israel?
You have posed this question to Christians in general and so the reply you will get is as varied as the number of Christian churches there are out there. Therefore, I will just answer for myself. I think Israel the country holds within her borders special interest for many religions because it is a sacred site. Those who live there should be equally appreciative of both the history and knowledge, but does that make them chosen? I think not. I think the gathering of 'Israel' is in one part physical and in the other part spiritual. Therefore Israel is being formed not only by birth into the country but by other means. If you are looking for a more political take on this I suggest you look at this Thread: Source 6