Good day to all!
What you may wish to know about myself:
I have been writing for a few years now, my main interest is medival rpg, although I have played fantasty rpg over the last few years with a breif intermittion of (two years) and thus I am a touch rusty, and as I had lost my favorite rpg sites I am beginning again.
If this post is cut short I do appologize our power is a bit questionable at the moment.
I have yet to decide on my character as I would like the opportunity to veiw and read what you have out there.
example post from a long lost character:
Upon the moment where dawn meets day a tired rouge sets forth on a stolen, deceptive excuse for mode of transportation, albeit to know the originally steed having been a desired peice to a collection for some heity priest. It is unfortunate as I was becoming accustomed to the quirks of such a beast and now, I have this to guide as apposed to being guided...
I thank you for taking the time to read!
Welcome Ta Ye Ole' Forum!
So, Ye be seeking Adventure eh? Ye be one after meh own heart. Meh mates have cut down several dragons in times past and we be always in serious need of an extra hand fer deeper darker dungeons of brilliant gold. Friend, get ready, cause we got to test yer abilities. Simply put... if ye be looking to join 'The World of Medieval' (Play by Post) then thou needest a minimum of 30 Constructive Posts within this here Community. Get started, select a Board, a Topic and then share thy views until ye have yer 30 Posts under thy belt then return here and request RPGer Status.
These links may also be proven useful to such dragon slayers as thyself:
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New blood I see, this makes me full of glee. Beware thy friends fer some come with less than me. If ye be needing advice, just ask and I shall impart a slice.