What is your review for the Board Game called, "Android"?
First, this is a Fantasy Flight Games product, which means the quality is for the most part superb.
FFG has done well regardless of when they get into the products development. They have started new game genres, picked up dieing ones, and even resurrected ones that had been buried for quite some time.
While I have not played Android, FFG's follow on products with the same theme, Android:Netrunner, are phenomenal! The Living Card Game system is ideal, economical, and very sound. They have revitalized the Netrunner CCG by Richard Garfield and Wizards of the Coast. Reutilizing art work and text and simplifying the game mechanics.
Buying just the starter box, has everything you need for you and your friend to jack into the net and have the battle of your life in Cyberspace.